View Full Version : Pinprick sensations/sensitivity to heat etc

13-12-14, 01:08
Was wondering if anyone else had these symptoms, Around a month ago I woke up feeling really off balance, this cleared up half way through the day but lingered slightly for the next day but it didn't bother me at all... That is untill I casually Googled the symptom and since then I've competely spiralled out of control. I've suffered quite a bit with HA in the past but these last 4-5 week have been intense. I've gone from being convinced it's a brain bleeding to brain tumour to MS and MND, have had numerous panic attacks which I'm currently trying to manage.

The off balance feeling although I initially was happy that it went away within the day since I started worrying a couple of days later it felt like it never went away at all... the off balance was the only physical symptom for the first 2-3 weeks coupled with extreme anxiety and anxiety attacks.. Then 2 weeks ago I developed pins and needles sensation mainly in my right leg but also slightly in the fingers and toes, the pins and needles isn't
bad at the moment but the issue now is these random pin prick type sensations I get all over, I've noticed I usually get them at the elbows/knees when I move an arm/leg or if I move a muscle in my body somewhere I'll sometimes get a pinprick sensation nearby, I can't reproduce the problem if I try it just kind of happens. I also get them on my face, toes, hands you name it. Also if I'm wearing trousers, sometimes I'll find that lifting the trousers up and down so its lightly rubbing against my leg produces a skin tingling/Crawley feeling, or if I'm putting a shirt on the shirt will rub against an area of skin and cause a quick sudden pin prick sensation. It seems my body is ultra sensitive to everything atm. The area of skin on the back of my thigh (just below bum) also seems to react to heat (I.e heated matress) producing an intense tingling feeling for a few seconds before subsiding.

anyone else have this? Sorry for the long post... For the record I'm
27 male and have been to the gp numerous times In the
last month and they can't see anything wrong...

13-12-14, 02:38
Dry skin.

13-12-14, 19:27
I do get dry skin in the winter in some areas but this sensation can affect any area of my skin. It's all just very sensitive, if my trousers rub against my legs it can cause pin prickling all over them. I think heat makes it worse... Can anxiety cause all of this? The sensitivity to heat scares me

14-12-14, 01:05
Hi mate,

I had this for a few months earlier this year - I don't believe it's dry skin, it's anxiety.

I used to get pin pricks all over my body when I put clothes on in the morning. Then when I was at work, in the office I would feel like I was overheating and the pin pricks would get really intense.

For me, it was definitely anxiety. Because as soon as I started focusing on a different symptom, the pin pricks went away. Easier said than done, but just try not to focus on it, it will go away eventually.


14-12-14, 20:03
Thanks for taking the time to respond guys, will try sit it out as best I can. Am now getting muscle aches in hands and feet :( one thing after another.

14-12-14, 20:13
Tell me about it. Muscle aches in my legs and feet have been driving me crazy over the past week

16-12-14, 02:16
Have your doctor check you and see if your sweat glands are working ok...Years ago...I started getting this..im talking 30 years ago ..right out of the blue.. I know for a fact that dry skin can do it but also if you are taking certain types of medicines like beta blockers ...one of the warnings is to stay out of the sun.. this is why.. there is some issue with it making sweat glands not working correctly or affecting something..i can't remember exactly but if you are really worried about it.. then check with your doctor ...but I got it exactly 30 years ago when i started taking beta blockers and well.... still get it especially out in the sun.. but also wife is always saying dry skin dry skin and well hate to say it but most time she is correct about things like that.. good luck to you

17-12-14, 00:04
Thank you Mnaha, have been to the docs so much recently I'm trying to stay away for a bit now, been 4 times in the last month and not had a single test, 3 different GPs! But I'll remember what you said and if it persists I'll be going back!