View Full Version : dull chest pain on left side

13-12-14, 14:22
Hi everyone,

I've had anxiety problems for the last year but then had an anxiety free month and thought it had gone. However lately its come back, I had a bad night and got upset and cried a lot, I've been feeling dizzy and tired the last week or so. Today I woke up with a dull pain on my left side of chest, behind my breast, which radiates to my arm. I've taken painkillers but it had no effect. I have had an ECG before and it was all fine but the pain isn't going away and because its on the left side I'm nervous. Has anyone else had this pain before?

13-12-14, 15:45
do you suffer heartburn/indegestion? these can cause this type of pain x

14-12-14, 13:55
No I don't and I hadn't eaten. Still have pain

28-01-15, 23:55
I have the same symptoms like you. Did you find out why. Are you still experience it.

10-02-15, 10:10
i get a similar discomfort on occasion, though not generally involving my arm. it also seems related to my mild asthma... and during an asthma episode when i was younger, my chest hurt in a similar way due to it being difficult to draw breath. perhaps it's some sort of anxiety-fatigue symptom?