View Full Version : Stroke or annyeurism fears

13-12-14, 17:42
Hi all
Just looking for bit of advise really .
I keep getting what feels like pressure and aches in my head which I can feel in my nose and mouth and gums . It feels like something is about to pop, if you know what Mean ? My eyes also feel tired all the time even when I have had loads of sleep. I'm worried it may be something like a blood clot on my brain that's causing this pressure feeling and it could just burst and kill me or that it could be signs of a impending stroke. I've had my eyes examined but never been to doctors with this one. Would an eye test show if there was a blood clot ?
Just probably need some reassurance from you lovely people that it isn't what I'm thinking it is ? Thanks Deborah

13-12-14, 18:29
is this pressure better or worse when you tilt your head forward?

13-12-14, 19:14
Not sure really just feels same , it's constantly on the bridge of my nose and face feels tingly x

13-12-14, 19:39
and you dont have a cold or anything?

you do know that you wouldnt feel the pressure caused by a clot right? you would suffer the effects and call 999 but you wouldnt feel anything the way that you imagine it to. your fear is based on pure imagination.

sounds like you have a headache cause by sinuses. nothing to worry about : )

14-12-14, 08:52
I hope so
I did have one but had this pressure feeling for ages probably years , not the headaches though , that's why keep thinking it's a clot that's growing
Thanks for your reply