View Full Version : Bone cancer

13-12-14, 21:37

For the last week I have had pain like an ache in my upper leg, up the top just under the buttock region and around the front near the groin. It is on my left side and at first was only there when I walked and ok at rest. Today I walked quite alot and the pain got increasingly worse during the day. Tonight I am in bed and it is aching even tho I am not doing anything. I was doing so well at being calm but I have now began thinking it is bone cancer. The symptoms match and I am really scared. My husband keeps saying its muscular and gets annoyed when I say cancer. He bought me muscle soak and rub but it hasn't helped.

13-12-14, 22:38
It sounds like muscular pain to me too. take some Ibuprofen and see if it relieves it.

14-12-14, 06:43
Thankyou for your reply

I tried painkillers and even pain relief rub but nothing eases it. It is aching now and I am just laying in bed. Constant ache down my leg with shooting pains too. Just want it to go, my dad has cancer and I want to be there for him and my family I am scared this is bone cancer and will take me away from my little girl and my family.

14-12-14, 12:08
What on earth has made you think it's bone cancer?

14-12-14, 13:08
The constant aching pain, tingling and random shooting pains :( all in my left leg towards the top.

14-12-14, 13:27
All these symptoms are also very common symptoms of muscle strain.

14-12-14, 13:48
Kirstynic - I've had all this and thought the same. See my posts from early 2013.
I still get it occasionally, but think it's how I'm sitting. Also,since I've had my latest worry I've not noticed it.

You are fine x

18-12-14, 10:51

Just been doctors he made me do some movements with my leg and is sending me for bloods. He said he thinks its muscular tho the fact it happens at night doesn't sit right with him. He is sending me for blood tests ESR, FBC, bone profile and c reactive protein.

I am now worried as dont look like I will get the blood test done before Christmas and I am worried as to why he is worried I know night pain is a red flag for bone cancer

18-12-14, 11:36
Nobody can diagnose anything these days purely from aches, pains lumps and bumps - proper tests are needed. Don't try to diagnose yourself until the tests come back. Until then, the odds are overwhelmingly that there is no serious problem. Doctors have to order tests these days just to cover themeselves, and the vast majority come back normal.

21-12-14, 08:21
I am getting myself into a panic over bone cancer or myeloma. Both symptoms match what I am getting myeloma is not curable and I am so scared it may be that. My symptoms are the same. I know no one here can help but I just have to get it out sonewhere.