View Full Version : toothpaste is it bad for you?

14-12-14, 09:06
I keep reading about ingredients in toothpaste are bad and cause cancer now i'm afraid to use it, is this true?

14-12-14, 10:12
I very much doubt it coz we'd all have cancer. People with nothing better to do keep coming up with these supposed things that cause different illnesses, people with health anxiety get frightened and then a week later it's usually all forgotten about.

Please don't worry, coz you really really really need to use toothpaste:D:D


14-12-14, 11:33
If it was not for toothpaste I would have no teeth!!!

14-12-14, 11:38
Hi I would say that yes if your eating a tube a day it would cause health problems but if you use it the way its intended i.e. clean your teeth and rinse and spit its absolutely safe, you are more likely to get oral cancer by not using it.
Smile :yesyes:

14-12-14, 12:46
use a natural fluoride free toothpaste and drop the chemicals.

have you read about dentists now finding those blue polymer dots embedded in peoples gums from toothpastes. ...aspartame, foaming agents and fluoride. yes youre probably right to dodge it actually.

teeth have the ability to repair themselves if treated correctly with the right toothpaste. conventional toothpastes do not allow for this. a dentist would not sign an affidavit saying that your teeth cannot heal themselves but they would tell you to your face that they cant.

conventional toothpaste is bad for you-you are tight to be concerned.

14-12-14, 15:35
I don't know who writes these 'articles' on health or teeth!!!

What about a broken tooth? will that repair itself? A root abcess which rots the root of a tooth, wait til it heals itself, in pain, or go to a dentist, I know what I'd choose.

If we avoided everything we put in our mouths we read about and get scared, where would we be.

Chemicals are in everything, Shampoo, deodorant, washing up liquid all kinds of things.

14-12-14, 15:39
Teeth do not repair there selves, the liver can but teeth cant, so keep on brushing with tooth paste.
Why do you think that before toothpaste peoples teeth rotted away and caused major health problems.

14-12-14, 15:40
I started using natural propolis toothpaste but it wasn't because generic toothpastes are bad for you, I just became a health freak. Toothpaste is ok but you can change your mouthwash, there are very good healthy options with aloe vera, cinnamon, tea tree oil etc...

14-12-14, 16:19
I use toothpaste that is prescribed by my dentist. I have not read the ingredients that are in it. I have been given it because my gums are receding.
I don't care what the toothpaste contains. It works anyway.
Yes it's true what jimsmrs says. There are chemicals in all toiletries.
washing powders etc. And what about medication treatments??????????

14-12-14, 17:58
I use toothpaste that is prescribed by my dentist. I have not read the ingredients that are in it. I have been given it because my gums are receding.
I don't care what the toothpaste contains. It works anyway.
Yes it's true what jimsmrs says. There are chemicals in all toiletries.
washing powders etc. And what about medication treatments??????????

I also use a toothpaste that my dentist prescribes for me as well, I got a difficult mouth to keep clean so hopefully this will reduced the amount of dental work I need now and in the future.

14-12-14, 18:29
you use a toothpaste recommended by a dentist and you buy a car from a guy who works in a car showroom. i get it.

fluoride-bad and a known carcinogen no?

aspartame- a neurotoxin and carcinogen no?

how is that good for you? fluoride basically plugs away at minute holes that would basically heal themselves given the right treatment.

im not saying a natural toothpaste will fixed a broken tooth-same as toothpaste wont repair a broken arm.

someone said we would all get cancer if you toothpaste caused it-try and tell that to a rat in a testing lab! where do you think environmental cancers come from, asbestos, burnt toast, mobile phone masts, toothpaste?

alexandria-you need to go to nigeria and look at peoples teeth over there.

teeth can heal themselves-they need help given the abuse that is our western diet and vices, but conventional toothpaste is not the way.

brushing your teeth twice a day doesnt keep you out of the dentist chair does it?

you say that teeth cant repair themselves because you dont know it and just because you dont know something doesnt not mean that it isnt true. true?

in the very near future you will see for yourself because dentists already discuss this healing process that the teeth are capable of and it will become convention within a very few years.

so yes-toothpastes are not good for you, try a natural product as someone mentioned with propolis for your gums.

pro dentist people need to read how bad root canals are for you and take a realistic look at the dental profession for what it is! go and ask people with a cancer how many of them have had root canals in their lifetimes because the percentage is disproportional among people who dont have cancer. like those lumps of mercury leeching into your blood? what lovely person put those there i wonder?!

and the original poster is absolutely right that she is worried about the ingredients in her toothpaste and in anything else that we consume or come into contact with everyday as these things not only obviously affect our health but could well be contributing, if not the cause of our panic attacks. to blindly accept that "everything has chemicals in" is just burying your head in the sand and that it not the way to get over a health issue.

if more people worried and acted upon their knowledge of what ingredients are used to process and produce food, health products, cosmetic products etc then we might have a greater say as to what we choose to put into our bodies.

someone 'what about medicines..' yes-i cant find a single good thing to say about them-my partner is a pharmacist. people abuse themselves take some pills and continue with their cycle of abuse-mask-abuse-mask.. pharmaceuticals is big business and they will sell you a pill for a stray hair if that is your poison. keeping people alive and well is not their concern-profiting from ill health is.

rant over : )

15-12-14, 03:52
thank you all for the replies:)