View Full Version : The feeling of death.

14-12-14, 23:48
I'm lying in bed my foot is jittering away I feel so weird and odd. Felt fine before had a cigarette then went all weird I feel dizzy and hot with cold shivers. I had a glass of water then got into bed I'm laying next to my sleeping 4yr old daughter. I really don't feel right. Scared that this is it now deaths coming to take me. I'm so afraid to die. I'm also so afraid to die an leave my daughter without me at such a young age. I'm considering ringing an ambulance. Someone please help me somehow

15-12-14, 00:10
Hi Sarah, it sounds like your Anxiety is coming out. Try to do some gentle breathing exercises and keep your shoulders relaxed when you breath out. Phone 111, if you are feeling any worse and they will talk to you and access your situation. They are very good at calming people down.

15-12-14, 00:41
Hello thanks for reply. I'm laying in bed trying to remain calm. I'm surfing through people's threads on here I always seem to end up doing that. I don't get much replies to mine these days I think I have irritated people with my constant fears and questions an they have given up trying to reassure me. Iv never even heard of 111!!

15-12-14, 00:45
Don't ever feel like you're irritating people on here. This message board is for the exact thing you're experiencing and we've all felt it. I know I have. I've experienced the exact feeling you have right now, you just have to try and drift off to sleep. You are nowhere near death but not sleeping will make you feel worse. Hope you feel better!

15-12-14, 00:50
Sarah, try rubbing you tummy gently in a circular fashion, for some reason these seems to calm the body. They call the stomach the second brain.?:)
Try and think nice thoughts. Somewhere like a beach or countryside filled with lovely flowers and cute animals. Anything to take your mind off the Anxiety.:)

15-12-14, 11:31
Hey guys... well clearly I lived through that night sat in work now in a thoroughly bad mood due to lack of sleep and some unsuspecting 4yr old at my daughters xmas play threw a football at my head, probably totally accidentally ... I then evilly glared at him. Feel rather bad now im just a paranoid freak around my head its one of my anxiety triggers lol. The play cheered me up my daughter refused to sing and flounced of the stage ! Thanks stevekay.. I used to get a lot of replies and private messages not so much these days I just tend to ramble on about the same fears its all a big cycle really xx Carnation I actually have a really cute animal ...beauty really is skin deep he is a little git who pulls washing of radiators and chews through walls to get to random wires... what a dog eh lucky that my daughter loves him ha x