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View Full Version : Just walked out of work!

15-12-14, 09:39

Life just feels so hopeless at the moment. I have suffered with gad for decades. By far the worst symptom is chronic insomnia. I only sleep when I drink and when I drink my anxiety is high and I feel down.

So I drank last night and this morning got to work and couldn't cope, so I just walked out!

I feel totally trapped. I am a 39 year old man and I have a family to support. Life really sucks.

Any ideas on how to get through this.


15-12-14, 11:06
Hi Parzival,

I know this feeling too well and truly sympathise. In my bad patches of anxiety, I have this is is in no way helpful. I have also been so overwhelmed that I have walked out of school and work countless times (I have suffered for ten years). I suggest that you hold off drinking until you feel more like your normal self, as this isn't going to help and will spur the anxiety on. I also suggest keeping yourself busy, so working is a good idea as hard as it may be. Just make sure to take some time for yourself each day and allow yourself to rest. Have you tried any relaxation or meditation methods? I avoided these methods for a long time, but giving yourself just ten minutes a day to unwind alleviates the tension, which in turn should calm your mind and help you think more methodically.

I wish you all the best, and remember, there is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel.

Ellie x

15-12-14, 11:30
Hello Parzival

Sorry to hear what's happened today :(
I too myself have thought about jacking in work altogether but I could never afford to. I'm currently off on the sick awaiting treatment. Does your employer know how you are feeling and what's going on with you? Have to got anyone you feel you can speak to about this? You obviously don't have to go into in depth detail. Can you take some time off at all? Do you think it would be useful?

I too also find alcohol gives me high anxiety for at least a couple of days after drinking. Have you tried other methods to help you get and stay asleep? I'm guessing you probably have. Lavender oil helps me and reading.

You say you have a family, do they know how things are for you at the moment?

17-12-14, 19:00
Hi chap, can I ask are you any meds/ receiving any therapy? I am on Citalopram and it's really made a massive difference to me. The side effects can be harsh at first, but past them, there is hope!