View Full Version : my depression is now higher then anxiety

15-12-14, 16:24
hey i dont know if i have ever posted in here before but if anybody could help me ?
my anxiety is now lower then my depression levels and my doctors trying to push setraline onto me so they can rule out anxiety before they look into my breathing problem but they are pretty sure anxiety is causing this breathing thing .
and this is where its confusing because i feel i accepted my anxiety and i my panic attacks have stopped but i suppose iv never had depression this bad and it is caused by my breathing problem ....so after prob sounding like im repeating what im saying just mixing it all up

does anybody know if depression can cause breathing problems ?
i do not have panic attacks anymore even though panic attacks and anxiety has caused this depression ?
do the tablets sound the best for me when i feel iv accepted anxiety and its the depression im battling now ?

are these symtoms still anxiety / depression
exhausted all the time
muscle spasms
random breathing problems that last a second -15 seconds
crying alot
feeling hopeless and alone like nobody understands me
a empty feeling sometimes its no emotion sometimes its litrally my body feels empty my mind feels empty i feel im just floating .

i tried ciatopram i think there called and i had hives within a hour and burning sensation in arms and chest for 2 days after so i stopped them now im scared to start these new meds .

16-12-14, 04:11
Hi Stars,

Anxiety can cause a lot of different symptoms, including breathing issues. Now, you say that you have accepted the anxiety because you no longer have panic attacks, but from my experience panic attacks are just one type of symptom. I still had (have) other symptoms even though I no longer get panic attacks. However, I expect the other symptoms to decrease and go away after a period of time due to my working on the underlying issues and distressing the my body.

As for the depression, anxiety and depression go hand in hand. I am struggling through the depressive symptoms more than the anxiety symptoms (or so I think as it is a blurred line between the two). Again, I hope these will decrease as I work on the underlying issues.

So you are not alone. There are others that have the same struggles and it is very common for depression to linger a while longer after you have dealt with the anxiety.

For the meds, it is worth trying to see if they help. If you react, then try another. I went through 6 different AD's only to learn I cannot tolerate them (similar reaction as you plus a whole bunch of others), but its still worth trying. Otherwise, you may want to still work through the acceptance of the breathing issues and any underlying fear associated with it.