View Full Version : Feeling so exhausted

15-12-14, 18:05
Could some people please advise on what I should do.i have had anxiety for a long time with panic feelings the whole works,I had some stress about my eyes. A few days ago, where it can't open my left eye in the night and when I wake up I am using medication for dry eyes see how it goes, I am so so tired I can hardly walk, I went to the supermarket but felt like I walking through sand and my heart was racing all the time, as my husband has a illness, I have to do the shopping, I force myself to do thing but feel as if I am going to pass out all the time, I know I have been like this before, I have let myself go to pot and my hair needs doing, I have made a appointment for Wednesday but I am so scared to go as I feel dizzy when I put my head back and forward, I am sick of feeling like this, I don't know what to do anymore I have a son but he has his family to deal with,I cry a lot because basically I can't cope, I have brought myself a bottle of metatone tonic to see if it makes me feel better, I sometimes wonder if I should eat red meat, I eat fish mostly and chicken so I don't know wether I need iron my blood test were normal a few months back and my thyroid , I have to see a doctor in late December about all this sometimes when I put my problems on here I get no replies, and I think that I am talking a load of rubbish. Any replies would be appreciated . Thankyou.

15-12-14, 18:22
Hi Lavender 123,
So sorry to hear you're feeling down. You are definitely not talking rubbish, I really feel for you. Please do go along to your hair appointment, hopefully it will make you feel a little better.
I understand that your son has his own family but you are his Mum, how do you think he would take it if you talked to him about how you're feeling?
Sending hugs :hugs: