View Full Version : 5HTP For ANXIETY?

Female healthanxiety
15-12-14, 20:04
Hi guys

Hope your well?

You may may/not know me from my posts.

I have been suffering with extreme health anxiety again for the last 4 months again, and all started with me going through 3 months of dizzy spells, which was so bad I could not leave my house, nor drive as it was to unbeatable, resulted in me loosing my job.

My DR prescribed me some diazepan for the really bad days (I'm not a fan of tablets)

I then found a new job (which I love) and apart from the normal money stresses etc, my health anxiety has still been terrible.

I now have numbness in my foot and hand, one day it's on the left day and then the next on the right. It panics me as I feel like my calf and feet are cold and numb, and that there almost going to seize up.

My friend recommended a supplement for my anxiety called 5HTP, as she used it after coming off antidepressant after 20 years.

I ordered some from Higher Source, and am only on day 3.

The first day of taking it in the afternoon, I felt so relaxed and like nothing could stress me! It was amazing the problem is that night I could not sleep for the life of me, which is extremely unusual for me, as any frame of mind i sleep like a log.

I tried the next day and took another in the afternoon and again the same thing happened - couldn't sleep.

Last night, same thing.

Has anyone had any experiment with 5HTP?

I also have had very vivid and deep dreams.

Any replies really appreciated.


K x x

15-12-14, 21:58
I've taken it off and on.

When I first took it I felt the best I had in years, including way before this period. Almost immediately I was full of energy, positive, wanting to go out and do all sorts.

I stopped taking it when my grandfather was seriously ill in hospital (he went on to pass away a month later), simply because I forgot if I'm honest. Since then I started taking it again relativeky recently, and noticed little to no effect, so I've only taken it sporadically since.

The one thing I would note is most people seem to mention it makes them drowsy, but I find the opposite: I'm so full of energy thay if I take it before bed I simply cannot sleep regardless of how tired I am. I would rather take this than SSRIs etc. but I don't believe the answer to our problems lies in a pill.

Female healthanxiety
29-12-14, 13:54
Sorry for taking the time to reply back, have not been on.

Hope you had a lovely Christmas?!

Yes they make me feel relaxed when taking but a few hours later I find it really hard to sleep which makes me wonder is 5htp the right thing for me, as I don't suffer with depression but suffer from anxiety and physical symptoms.

Sorry to hear about your grandfather, that must have been hard and we always tend to forget about looking after ourselves when something like that happens. God bless.

Have you re-started taking them as yet?

K xx