View Full Version : Almost faint when you poop?

16-12-14, 04:15
All my life I have just gone to the bathroom three times a day and never had issues ...Never really thought much about poop or using the bathroom. Lately they have put me on some different meds for diabetis and for eyesight and blood pressure and so on.. and for some reason im starting to start having problems with using the bathroom. My poop just gets right ready to come out and sticks.. well i got a new med that is suppose to help that.. it doesn't . I have to drink prune juice ugh.. but before that.. prune juice makes my stomach cramp so im not really into drinking that everyday but before I did.. when I would try to strain I would almost pass out. My heartbeat would come out my chest and finally when I stopped my blood pressure would drop and my heart slow too fast and then I would get faint and weak and cold...I have been having this lately a lot ..it scares me..im not used to having issues like this and I know its one of the meds.. anybody else almost faint after poohing? sorry about the subject .. but its a symptom of something you know.

17-12-14, 15:14
When you strain to poo you stimulate the Vegas nerve that directly slows your heart rate and drops your blood pressure.

In people who have lower BP or an already slow heart rate straining hard can cause lightheadedness and dizzyness and in some cases actually passing out.

In itself it's not harmful, but straining hard will do you damage long term. See if your doctor can prescribe you lactolose or something to soften your stools rather than prune juice.

17-12-14, 15:26
First off, don't strain. You can get bad hemorrhoids that way. If you can, take a psyllium husk product (like Metamucil), every night with a big glass of water. It's all natural and helps lower your blood sugar, cholesterol, and may even lower your risk of colon cancer. It will make things MUCH easier for you.

31-12-14, 11:41
I get that. Cross your legs and push your thighs hard together when you stand up. It stops the blood from pooling in your feet and will help with the blood pressure

31-12-14, 12:15
This has happened to me several times over, and it is a horrible feeling, I know. My BP is always very low.

As CA88 already mentioned, straining during a poo overstimulates the vagus nerve which runs through the abdomen. This causes you to feel faint. It can also happen with very loose stool/diarhoea, as the rapid action of the bowel during a loose poo overstimulates the vagus again.

I had this recently after taking a laxative to help my constipation, and boy did I regret it! I was sitting on the toilet and felt my fingers go numb, everything started to black out and I had to drop onto the floor and put my legs up the bathroom wall to recover.

It was a sight that I am glad nobody else witnessed, lol.

This is a scary thing, I know, but it is nothing sinister and totally explainable.:)

02-01-15, 08:21
Thanks to the answers everyone..it sure makes me feel better to know im not the only one and its not life threatening.. appreciate it so much..