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16-12-14, 10:51
I keep having flat bowel movements google tells me it's cancer got myself in such an anxious state I'm shaking I do have ibs and slight diverticulums just can't get cancer out of my head I'm 49

16-12-14, 12:51
Cags, I don't know too much about bowel cancer to be honest. However some things are true in all cases.

Firstly, Google is never a reliable diagnosis tool - if you have been around here long enough to post 256 times then you know that as well as anyone.

Doctors are on the other hand really good at diagnosing people. I presume that you have visited the GP with these concerns, and that they in turn are unconcerned?

The other thing is that in all cases where a symptom 'points' to something serious then there are a whole host of other benign possibilities and also sometimes it is just the way we are made.

Let me give you an example. When I was in the height of HA I noticed all sorts of things about my body, the majority of which according to google are serious. However, as my anxiety has waned, these things become less noticeable and further back in my consciousness. For the most part they are still there though. HA is a construct of two things in my experience - a physical stimulus (that is very real) and an emotional response. The former is what people with HA try to control, whereas the latter is really the only thing we can get to grips with.

My perspective at least is that if we deal with the reaction that at least some of the physical falls into line as well.

16-12-14, 18:17
Just did a quick Google and IBS is a major cause of flat bowel movements. Unless you have other symptoms, I would think there is a good chance it's your IBS causing it.

In cognitive therapy they call it 'black and white thinking' - 'I have flat stools.. must be cancer'. It doesn't have to be cancer. Your mind is simply blocking out the dozens of other possibilities. When I am having a bad spell of anxiety about my heart (I get lots of palpitations), I make a list of my worries, then write a rational response.

Eg. I think I am about to drop dead.
Had this lots of times, always passes.

Feel shaky and have tight chest
This is my anxiety. Relax and it always passes.

I can fill an A4 page with this stuff! Writing it down helps you see that your mind distorts information and goes straight to an automatic negative thought, instead of a rational one.

The Anxiety Network has some good stuff on ANTs - automatic negative thoughts and how to work on them.

16-12-14, 18:42
I've had these same fears for a long while. I forced myself to stop examining my bowel movements and I'm definitely in a slightly better place ever since I have.

16-12-14, 18:54
Thanks folks for replying , I've had some tests but in hospital phobic which doesn't help I go through periods where I'm ok but then these flat stools just keep coming never had bleeding or black stools