07-01-07, 19:12
HI guys i was just wondering how many of us who have health anxiety suffer the same symptoms?

i know all in all we all do suffer some of the same things, but im eager to know and sure some of us out there are eager also to know that there are people out there who suffer in th same way.

so if you like guys maybe you could reply to this post listing what it is you feel is wrong and how it effects you, just in bullet point form, that way we can all scroll through and identify things easier.

i hope Nic and the other admins dont mind this.

ok mine is :-

A fear of dying and serious illnesses
Bad neck tension ( which travels into my shoulder and breast, left side only)
Odd bout of IBS
Racing thoughts
Numbness and thightness ( again tension related).

well thats mine, hope its relates to someone out there.
Can i just say that since i joined this site i have been able to get out 5 times since december for a night out, before that i hadnt been out anywhere on my own apart from the local shops, i have a lot to thank Nic and everyone elSe here for there support and help, (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE :) ).
hope we get some good replies.


guys we have a an great response to this post. and as we can all clearly see we all share quiet a lot of thoughts and feelings.

i would now like us all to add as well how our body reacts to our anxiety, eg:- what way it hits us, what physical feelings we experince as i think this also will give us a very good insight as to how anxiety reacts in our bodies and at the same same time added comfort to know that we aee not the only people who suffer a particular physical reaction

mine being tension starting in my neck then casuing numbness are over my left side, some feels like my glands are swollen and it hurts to turn my head. some times a get a dull ache starting in my left breast and then traveling down my left arm , and into my left ear, and at times that can get really bad.

also there is the feeling like my face isnt realy there lol,

well thats me for starters, look forward to your reply

07-01-07, 19:20

In priority order mine are

Going crazy (ending up locked away and having lost my mind)
Heart attack
Breathing illness (links to dying, think i will die from shortness of breath)
Loss of use of arms and legs (due to my constant aches, trembling and tingling)

My list goes on but these are my most troublesome xx

07-01-07, 19:45
Hi my symptons are

ectopic heart beats
fear of having heart attack
fear of dying
acid indigestion
upset stomach
feel like im losing my mind(probably am lol)

Hope this is ok

Love Julie xxxxx

07-01-07, 19:50
Hi there,

The symptoms my health anxiety cause ,are listed below and also my fears , such as pains that are the start of cancer or tumours but i could go on and on.............[Sigh...]

take care

shirley xx :D

* Dying
* Any weird pain
* Any form of cancer
* Lump in throat
* Etopics
* Bowel problems/ bouts of IBS
* Indigestion/ stomach related problems
* Racing thoughts
* Sleeplessness
* Depression
* Feelings of panic/ not being in control
* Tension throughout body
* Irratibility

Told you the list was endless!!!!!!!!!!

07-01-07, 20:53
hi my symptoms are fear of dying
fast heartbeat
going crazy
getting cancer

these are all things i fear, i would love to have a chatroom set up for health anxiety sufferers.

07-01-07, 21:36
hi there
like most my fears are
* fear of dying
* anything brain related that will kill me quickly ie heammorage (spelt wrong sorry) blood clot/ tumour
*sometimes cancer
*heart attack
the last is a fairly new one probably cos at present i am having very severe burning in my chest although it doesnt feel like heart burn and is making me very very very anxiuos

07-01-07, 22:35
hi there,

mine are:

fear of dying, specifically of cancer or of choking, or something blocking my throat so i can't breathe.
racing thoughts
high state of tension - total inability to relax

doesn't sound like that many, but boy do they keep me busy!
fear of dying seems to be like a common one - i feel like it's ridiculous, but i just can't stop freaking out about it!


07-01-07, 23:44
Hi, my list is looooong too:

* Dying and thoughts of serious illness connected with stuff below
* Any weird pain mainly happens in chest and shoulder area
* Lump in throat
* Sometimes have to think and concentrate to swallow food
* Etopics heart beats
* Indigestion and reflux
* Sleeplessness
* Low mood and depression
* Feelings of panic/ not being in control - PANIC ATTACKS
* Tension throughout body
* Irratibility
* Clenching fingers together on both hands
* Leg shaking when sitting
* Grinding teeth

s*%t is'nt it living with all this.


Dave [B)] [Ugh]

What if this is "As Good As It Gets!"

08-01-07, 00:55
my list as follows:

*lump in throat-fear of throat cancer
*shortness of breath-fear of above
*fear of going mad-feels like i am sometimes...
*fear i wont get my life back
*ibs-not a fear, but a right pain in the ass...and stomach..lol
*fear of needles, hospitals,pregnancy and giving birth( i know, im stuffed basically)
*the classic-any cancer fear
*new fear of flying-weird, cause i used to travel the world, and loved flying.

08-01-07, 02:17

Reading the posts, it certainly looks like we suffer the same fears and symptoms. Mine are:

Fear of terminal illness, generally I think I have something like cancer, at the moment its hiv, until it is proved that I don't. Even if the evidence is stacked against it, I still think up some reason why I might have it.
Fear of dying
Fear of accidents to me and kids
Compulsive behaviour, such as checking things, diagnosed with OCD
Obsessive thoughts
Panic attacks, more at night (like now!)
Stomach disorders, IBS, indigestion etc
Pins and needles
Cough/throat problems

And outwardly I think I appear quite normal!


08-01-07, 03:01
"And outwardly I think I appear quite normal!"

I like it

I think it's worth remembering that symptoms are just that, symptoms, the actual cause is something different.

To the extent that we leave the cause unresolved the unconscious mind generates louder and LOUder and LOUDER and LOUDER messages until we do something about it.

That is all they are, believe me, although I realise that not all will.

Once you are able to identify and release the underlying cause, the symptoms WILL abate.

Oh, and I'm NOT suggesting this has to take months and months and ....



08-01-07, 04:29




piglits pal
08-01-07, 08:28
I have pretty much the same as others have listed.

Fear of terminal illness,
Even if the evidence is stacked against it, I still think up some reason why I might have it.
Fear of dying
Compulsive behaviour, Obsessive thoughts
Panic attacks - mainly in the morning
Stomach disorders, IBS, indigestion etc

08-01-07, 09:51
I have just joined this forum, it looks amazing as i really feel i need to talk to people who really understand.
in 2006 my husband was diagnosed with early cancer, wwhich after 6 months of tests treatment stc is now thought to be under control, in dec my old dad died and I am just approaching the menapause with all its symptoms.
I thought i was so strong and just kept going but once my husband was back home and improving i have just fallen apart.
The doctor has prescribed alprazolam for short term use.It has helped a little but i am still having anxiety attacks.
can anyone help with this one, i go to bed, read and fall asleep pretty well, then exactly one hour later wake up feeling really ill,cant breathe properly, heart sometimes racing, sometimes scarily quiet, dizzy, too ill to get up too ill to stay in bed, very distressed and sometimes with diarrohea,I often feel that it must be my last night on earth and I feel really scared, i try really hard to not wake my husband as he needs his rest but i feel so alone


08-01-07, 12:49
I had a spell of returning to the A+E at local hospital as I developed the follow symptons after fraustration that doctors where not listening to me.

#Slight wheezing - Fear of lung desease
#Burning in chest - as above
#Lost appitite - Fear of stomach cancer
#IBS -Fear of bowel cancer
#lost weight - All the above!
#Developed health anxiety - feared going mad

Had dizzy spells, weakness in legs, stopped socialising and sat in chair most days.
Now that has caused aching in back and legs which throbs and stops me sleeping causing more tension, and so on.

08-01-07, 15:14
hey my symptoms are as followed

fear or dying
fear of getting something that will kill me instantly
racing heart
fear of a heart attack
shaking all over

08-01-07, 16:38
hey just me again,

just to add another one to my list

hightened nerves, been able to feel my bones ( well my nerves hitting against them

08-01-07, 17:38
hi airwolf,

my symptoms are also fear of dying ( the obvious one)

fear of collapsing

fear of the hospital

fear of heart attack or stroke

anything to do with the heart

any pain in the chest area

suffer from pain in the breast bone (right side)

contsant tension headache

pain in back in between shoulder blades always feel knotty there and panic over it as hubby had 2 heart attacks and they started in the back



08-01-07, 17:50
Finding this a really good post, is re-assuring to know that I am not the only one who has fear of dying at the top of my list, I was convinced that I was the only one who feared this so much and this has helped me by knowing others feel the same so thanks for starting this, think it will be a good refernece for a lot of Health anxiety sufferers!

09-01-07, 01:48
Oh thats just my luck ;) noone with my fears...lol
Anyway i know someone out there HAS my fear so if your out there please get in touch ;) so i won't feel that Im the only looney here...lol

okay here is where people will say, ONLY THAT??? I only have one main fear, but a hundred million symptoms to represent it for me!!!

here it is, my fear is schizophrenia!!!! I had a brother who recently committed suicide who had it and from the day of my first PA I CONVINCED myself that I will have it too...and surprise surprise I still didnt manage to un-convince myself the opposite...lolol
My symptoms are DP/DR, edgy, restless and whenever anxiety arises the fear kicks in immidiately that it is a psychosis coming on and am about to lose touch with reality...etc. trust me people with your heart-attack fears its just as AWFUL as your dying fears :) The anx gets so bad it cripples me literally because i just feel like I wanna run home wherever I am and not sitting in a tiny office with healthy people " pretending" Im still normal.
Sorry for rambling on a bit I just had one of those days today.

09-01-07, 02:16
Mine is the same.
Scared of any pains or weird feelings even just pins and needles in feet and hands.
All of which I am afraid of dying.
All of which I read that is all things we can't control.
We are all great people who like to be in control of our lives.
When we can't control it or know what is going to happen next we feed our thoughts.
I am glad we have each other at this site.



09-01-07, 11:07
see we are not alone,

im starting to feel more connected the more i read :D

" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

09-01-07, 11:54
Hi Airwolf,

That was a really helpful thing you have done - posting this topic, as it's something I've wondered myself for a long time (Does anyone have the same symptoms or feel the same as me?)

*My biggest fear is that I die.

*Fear of getting a really serious illness that will kill me.

*Fear of getting cancer.

*Fear of dying instantly and being in a lot of pain or from not being able to breathe.

*I have IBS, but keep thinking its more serious.

*Any little thing I get I panic and convince myself it's something really bad that will kill me or really hurt me.

*Scared of any wierd pain (in fact any pain).

*I get really angry as I don't want to feel this way - everyday is a struggle.

*Suicidal at times (really low mood).

*Also get panic attacks and depression.

Big Thankyou to Airwolf!! We are not alone!!

Take care everyone

Louise xxx :)

09-01-07, 12:25
Hi! My fears are

Fear of dying suddenly (or slowly) due to:
Brain related stuff : anneurisms, hemmorage, tumours
Heart Attack
And to a much less extent I worry about
Car accidents or any accidents
Getting attacked or robbed either out and about or in my own home

I also have strange head pains, brief stabbing pains and pressure on top of my head, tingling/ itching? in the scalp, ears feel clogged, dizziness and also my jaw hurts from clenching etc - all this make it easier to worry about the brain stuff


09-01-07, 12:46
Good Topic...

My ultimate fear is of dying suddenly and most of my health anxieties relate to some sort of brain disease, here are my symptoms and what scares me!

Derealisation and fuzzy head

Tingling in my arms hands and feet
Faintness and fear of fainting and losing consciousness
Memory problems
Obsessive thoughts

The other day I was thinking after reading posts on here about people worried about their hearts. This is something that I dont worry about too much, if my heart races I can say to myself that it is just anxiety causing it and because I dont fear it it passes very quickly, If I were scared of it I would probably focus on it too much and I would have added it to my list, I think this goes to show just how much our thoughts cause our symptoms as I am terrified when I feel all the above so much so that I just cannot move at times.....S%$t isnt it!!!

And Pitita I can sort of relate to your fear of schizophrenia my uncle had schizophrenia and killed himself, I do worry that it could be genetic and often worry about it so I can understand how you feel to some extent, I hope you feel better soon and you are not a looney!!!


09-01-07, 13:27
Hi This all sounds so familiar, all my symptons are the same, so it seems we all fear the same thing, dying and that manifests itself in various ways, so now working on the premise of trying not to worry about all the symptons, but about the root cause, which is why am i so scared of death. It would be interesting to see how many of us have had a negative association to death, ie like in my case my father died in front of me when I was 18 and my husband died in front of me when I was 27, so i am thinking that it is not so much that I knew close relatives, or friends that died, but it was the watching them die, and now I think about it, at the back of my head is the question what did they know at that point. I hope this was,nt too rambely, but I hope some of you see what I am getting at, feel free to PM me

09-01-07, 15:01
isnt it strange how one incident can change your life, my first panic happened standing up one the bus going to work over 20 years ago. It terrified me at the time and i dreaded the journey so much i started to think of excuses not to go to work. If only i had known what was to come!

recent worries

* blocked throat, cant swallow feel im about to choke [throat cancer maybe]
* gasping for breath
* hyperventilating
* scared of being on my own [only feel calm when with husband]
* scared to go out [dont go out anywhere unless with hubbie or parents]
* must be within a few minutes walk of the car
* queues
* doctors, dentists, hospitals [dread being told i have something serious and need an operation as i panic more when i am hungry and wouldnt be able to not eat for hours before]
* skipped heart beats [have just read post about this and will try coughing cure next time it happens]
* IBS horrible but not that worrying at home, not to good camping in the middle of a field at 6 in the morning while sharing a tent with friends and trying to tell your hubbie he is going to have to come to the loo with you as you are too scared to walk there alone
* fears for children getting ill ,being bullied, going out ,being abused, ending up like me!!!
* most recent symptom feel as if i am breathing cold air even in a warm room am convinced it is either throat cancer or i have got an ulcer any opinions welcome!
* sharp pains in my back passage, another symptom of stress i have been told but probablly bowel cancer.

this list is pretty much constant but like lots of other symptoms they come and go lulling you into a false sense of relief only to be replaced with another equally worrying one.

Jacqui x

courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "i will try again tomorrow"

10-01-07, 13:08
hey lots and lots of response to this one, keep it going guys, im finding tis a great quick ref point.


" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

10-01-07, 20:02
hi,i feel like a freak with the way i go on.and im sure the doctors get sick of me going beause i need constant reassurance about all my ailments but even then i doubt what they say and i feel like im the only person in the world who feels like this.my symptoms are

light headedness/dizziness
tight chest
shortness of breath
feeling like i cant swallow,like my throat is closing up
sweatiness then going freezing cold and shaky
tigling and pins and needles
ibs sometimes
blurred vision
off balance
worrying about any little pain incase it is something serious or incase i would have to go to hospital as i have a fear of them
feeling like im going to faint.

honestly the list is endless,writing it down like this i feel sooooo pathetic but i just cant get past this,ive been like this for over 10yrs.and it stops my life,i cant even go out on my own.i worry that one day i will get over this then i will get depression because of all the time ive wasted in my life not doing things and wasting it worrying.x

10-01-07, 20:09
attention ruthb1,i lso get that achy pain inbetween my shoulder blades all the time and i always worry its something to do with my heart.
just to add another one to my list aswell,i have asthma and i constantly worry thinking that it will go really bad and i will stop breathing.i feel like every ache,pain,feeling and illness you can get i get.x

Brandy snap
11-01-07, 00:28

What a good idea.

My list is:-

Ectopics - have had heart test at surgery where they stick things on. Heart normal. So why have I got them?

Keep losing the formula for working out body mass index. Worry about mine.

Dreadful fear of choking (food going down the wrong way and not being able to breathe). Like someone further up list, I also have to concentrate when swallowing.

Fear of suddenly developing an allergy when alone which causes an anapholactic shock.

Fear of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots anywhere, haemorrhages.

Fear of cancer.

Fear of sudden emergency situation of any kind.

Have phobia about hospitals since there was a fire when I was an in patient with an infection.

Fear of ending up like my parents (Parkinsons Disease, Heart Failure).

Fear of getting older.

Fear of dying and anything which could end up as dying.

Fear of something happening to my husband as I'm scared to be alone. When he fell off a ladder and had to go to hospital I had to stay with him as I couldn't go home.

Fear of developing asthma.

11-01-07, 06:58
I have suffered from Health anxiety for 10 years. I have a fear about cancer and horrible nervous diseases.
Does anyone else drink to get them through a bad episode - nothing elase seems to work At the moment I think that I have ms (please dont post any symtoms as I will imagine that I have them and then lose the plot). Difficult to carry on - just feel awful

11-01-07, 09:45
What a great idea and helps to hear other get the same symptoms.
Mine are.
Fear of dying - who will look after my 2 beautiful girls.
Headaches - Tumour etc etc.
mood swings
Fear of suffering - Cancer etc.
Children being ill.
Hot flushes, racing heart
Wobbly legs
Fear of emergency situation of any kind.
Need constant reassurance and then doubt the advice given.

I'm sure there are more.....

11-01-07, 23:10
waow i can see from the posts that we mainly all have the same underlying issues

this is a great help


" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

12-01-07, 10:28

Just reading this topic made me want to cry. People who have never suffered with this don't understand what hell we go through. I have most of the symptoms you have all talked about. I don't know how i keep going at times. Some days i just feel paralysed with fear. Its good to know i'me not alone but hate to think of others going through this.
Just love to you all and fingers crossed maybe one day we won't feel like this anymore.

13-01-07, 18:59
hi all

reading this has made me realise i have a lot of these symptoms, but mainly

worry of a heart attack due to chest pain
left shoulder and arm pain
worry of having a panic attack

had this for too long now, and it gets worse on a hangover and the cigarettes dont help but not as easy as i thought to give up


17-01-07, 12:12
hey peeps

just me again found another one

did you ever look at someone and there mouth seems to shake a little,

or you space out?

" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

17-01-07, 22:58
Hi guys,

My biggest fears are dying and going mad.

Any physical problem that I have terrifies me as I automatically convince myself that it's something serious. A headache could be a brain tumour, a pain in my leg could be a blood clot, pain in the chest or back could be a heart attack etc.

I also suffer from depersonalisation which makes me worry that I might be going mad. I have some history of schizophrenia in my family and I'm scared that it's going to happen to me. I worry a lot about losing control.

I have a fear of going blind so I often test my vision to make sure that it's not going. Of course, if I'm having a panic attack then I find it difficult to see anyway......

Like most of you, I'm scared of developing a serious illness such as cancer, epilepsy, diabetes etc.

This topic was a great idea, Airwolf! It helps to see that so many others have the same worries. I feel normal for once!

Tak care,

18-01-07, 18:34
hi every1 im new. mine are

fear of having an illness that could kill me
not being in control
never feeling normal again
pressure headaches
pins and needles
pressure behind eyes
feeling floaty and unreal

im glad ive found this site and know that i dont have 2 face the world alone


19-01-07, 09:32
Hi everyone,

My list:

Fear of being told I have cancer, any form
Fear of it being terminal
Fear of dying (not of being dead)
Fear of throat swelling and choking
Fear of not being able to swallow
Fear of illness generally both in me and those close to me
General anxiety - do not respond well to any kind of stress

I could go on but these are the basic ones.

19-01-07, 09:38
Oh, forgot to mention in respond to another post, I also drink alcohol to reduce anxiety. I am thinking now about getting help for this as, although it helps, it's only really short term and I believe it may well be making my anxiety worse. BUT, at the moment, I cannot do without alcohol. I drink a bottle of wine per night mostly. I know. I'm an old lush!

19-01-07, 12:15
hey im Dean im 18
i have ocd and health anxities

my fears heart attacks (runs in family)
going crazy
if im not getting enouth sleep thats new (girlfriend has changed job has to get up early so its proberbly body clock)
the supernatural
the futre (but i guess thats a death one)
having to put with this for the rest of my life

26-01-07, 09:56
Does anyone have "tension" pains that move around their bodies?

If so please post.

I have strange aching "weak" feelings that seem to travel around my back and shoulders sides, stomach....

26-01-07, 11:53
hi im Alyson and i have more or less the same symptoms as every1!
Mine are;

# feeling like im dying
# Feeling i have some form of cancer
# affraid im going to have a heart attach/stroke
# Panic attacks
# palpitations
# Headaches(related to a tumor or heamorrage)
# serious IBS

Why cant i just be a normal carefree 22 yr old!!!!

a brady

26-01-07, 16:43

My fears are:

-any form of cancer, but mostly to do with the reproductive organs or bowel area!
-having symptoms for extended periods that doctors cannot give a medical explanation to
-losing control of life by getting a terminal illness (do not fear death - fear the loss of control and the sudden disruption to life)
-every symptom tends to freak me out as I always imagine the worst
-going to the doctors (as I always fear they will find something bad)
-waiting for test results results (same reason)
-my thoughts, because I make all sorts of connections between symptoms and situations and create terrible scenarios that I convinve myself are possible/true!
-reading certain magazines or seeing something that will trigger more anxiety, validate an existing one, or bring back an old one

Amazing... When you sit and write them out you can really see the underlying anxiety for what it is!

Great topic and comforting responses!


26-01-07, 23:48
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Does anyone have "tension" pains that move around their bodies?

If so please post.

I have strange aching "weak" feelings that seem to travel around my back and shoulders sides, stomach....

<div align="right">Originally posted by Gray7_2 - 26 January 2007 : 09:56:12</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I get this, mainly around back and shoulder and upper arm. It's very bad just now because I'm waiting for a hospital appt to come through, and my anxiety and tension are just wearing me out every day.

27-01-07, 00:48
Hi!! I am new here but here are my symtons!!!

*fear of dying
*dizziness and blurry eyes
*cant focus or concentrate
*constantly thinking
*shaking nerves
*upset stomach
*panic attack after panic attack
*trouble remembering
*heat racing and skippin
*fear of driving now
*fear of going places I stay at home

right now I cant do nothing my head hurts and I am very dizzy everyday..when I do get out my eyesight is blurry and seems like everything is floating...and very dizzy with headaces at time...I am thinking it may be my med. I am on buspar..and have side effects from it..but going to try a new med this week..sorry I took so long..[8)]

27-01-07, 03:10
Hi! My symptoms vary depending on how well I'm coping. But right now, here they are:
Fear of dying of something sudden (like several of you have mentioned)
Trouble catching my breath
Feeling my blood being pumped through my body (say, in my head or in my back)
Fear of those I love discovering I'm dealing with anxiety

Thanks to everyone who's posted. It really solidifies that our symptoms are from anxiety and not something else. Best to all of you!

27-01-07, 19:20
hi just joined forum never heard off it before my cousin told me off it we both suffer bad all the things people have said i cant belive so many go through what we do


28-01-07, 18:27

My biggest fear believe it not is dizziness. I cannot stand it, I guess its because I do not feel in control. Beacuse of this I fear anything that can relate to dizziness such as fainting/collapsing, racing heart beat (makes me feel dizzy), any weird pain (worried I might get dizzy because of it).

I think it might relate to the fact that 2 years ago and I had two ruptured ovarian cysts. As they ruptured I felt enormous pain and dizziness beacuse of the pain and toxins that the cyst released.

My other huge fear bacuse of this now is any pain in my womb area as I instantly think another one is going to rupture.

28-01-07, 18:50
Cazza50 - I am not surprised!! I think most poeple would feel as you do. My personal fear is of muscle twitching being MS or MND, and of developing cancer, even though I know I am ridiculously healthy and loads of cancers can be cured/treated.

29-01-07, 04:42
My symptoms are :

lump in throat
numbness which can be in any part of my body
chest pains that come and go
constantly worrying
constantly in of fear of dying
constantly in fear of haveing a heart attach or something major wrong with me
tension in shoulders, chest and back
constantly needing to stay busy
feeling like i am going to go crazy

man it really sucks to be me


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!

24-03-07, 01:18
waow a huge response to this one,

lets keep it going


24-03-07, 12:47
my symptoms are,
lump in throat
chest pains
numbness and tingling
tension headaches
fear of dying
having cancer
panic attack
constant worry i have a major or fatal illness
mild ibs

and just latley i have started suffering mood swings.

pen x

24-03-07, 15:44
I'm in the middle of a health anxiety breakdown!

My list is as follows......

CONSTANT fear of dying/dropping dead/having a terminal illness.
(right now, i think i have cancer due to very odd symptoms i've been having)
Shallow breathing
Numb arms
Shoulder pain
Panic attacks
Throat lump....(LOVE that one!!!!)
Extreme tiredness
Chest pains
Head pains
General aches and pains...
The feeling of something isn't right......

Ugh, i think thats it.

Muscle pains


26-03-07, 22:46
Mine are:

Thinking im dying
having a stroke
having a PE or dvt

etc etc

looks like we all experience the same to one deree or another

Linda xxx

27-03-07, 13:26
hey guys just posted an update in this thread. have a look

27-03-07, 16:16
Hi guys

It is so comforting to know that we all suffer similar things with this. It really helps me to think that I am not going mad. My symptoms are:

Fear of dying or being very ill (cancer, heart attack etc)
Fear of my children being very ill
Obsessively checking things are safe/switched off etc
Shallow breathing/breathlessness/gasping (particularly bad at the moment)
Back/shoulder/neck pain
Pins and needles

Kindest regards to all you fellow sufferers

27-03-07, 18:09

Cancer of some kind, that is what my anxiety is all about.

Throat cancer
Bowel cancer
Stomach cancer

My main symtoms are as follows:
Frequent Urination
Sore Throat


27-03-07, 23:41
This is one of the saddest things ive read.... i thought i was the only person to suffer these awful worries, I feel like a prisoner trapped and scared of my own body!!!!!

My HA fears are;

any emergency...i feel unable to cope

breathing probs
my eyesight
head pains
chest pains
pins n needles
mouth cancer
breast cancer
i have a awful fear of illness.....esp within my family

These are just a few of my worst fears.

I pray that one day we will all be free of this living nightmare

good health to us all xxxxxxxxxx

28-03-07, 17:45
Here's my list of symptoms

Frequent multifocal ventricular ectopics (the worst kind) - will lead to cardiac failure (all day every day)
Dizziness - MS fear
Misty vision - MS fear
Nerve tingling down side of face - MS fear
Pain and aching in left chest - heart problem
Panic attacks every day - make me feel mad
Tense and aching shoulders - really bad
Feel really ill - how can anxiety make you feel this ill
Racing heart - worried that doctors overlooking this because it even happens now I am taking betabs for this

It's the severity of the symptoms that gets to me. Don't feel depressed but just sad that I can't get over this. :weep:

30-03-07, 18:03
:winks: Oh, now where shall I begin...

heart attack
MS (This started after googling vertigo/dizziness)
brain tumour
hair loss (although this fear seems to have passed but it was terrifying at the time)
Anything that means I could drop down dead at any minute
Going crazy and not knowing.
Losing control and doing something while not knowing you've done it.

To be honest it all depends what day it is. I must say this website is a godsend and having read a lot of similar things to what I fear the aching feeling has gone out of my arms. :yesyes: :yesyes: so this helps me believe it is anxiety and I'm not about to take my last breath. My common sense tells me it would be the longest slowest heart attack in history!!

30-03-07, 18:55
Hi There,

Mine are,
Fear of losing loved ones,
Fear of dying/ Stopping Breathing
Going Mad
Feeling scared but not sure why

Could go on!

Oh such joyful stuff hey! LOL

Take care,

Love Pip's

31-03-07, 07:20
Hmm another topic I like.. need to visit this forum more often!
Here's my list in order

*Fear of dying
*Fear of Breathing Stopping
*Fear of any tightness in my head
*Fear of Fainting
*Choking, Lump in the throat
*Tingling or numbness in my face
*Dizziness or Vertigo (Have Horrid Sinuses and lots of ear pressure)
*Fear of Contracting Rare Medical Conditions (this is of course brought on by my own health history I've had Legionaires Diease which isn't very common in the states)
*Fear of Loosing My Mind

31-03-07, 09:08
My symptoms:

-constant headaches (fear brain tumour, MS, stroke)
- neck pain
- chest pain on left side (fear heart attack)
- pains in left arm (as above)
- tingling and other weird sensations in limbs (mainly left side of body)
- weakness in legs
- pounding chest sensation and hot flushes (fear heart attack)
- occasionally stomach pains (fear stomach cancer)

I have at least one of these symptoms every day. Last week has been more chest related, week before that it was the more neurological symptoms.

Basically have a fear of dying suddenly. I saw my father die from a sudden heart attack 7 years ago, and although i have only had my health anxiety symptoms for a year, I think his death is what started the thoughts in my mind. Am now paranoid that my husband will die suddenly too.

03-04-07, 11:31
h another one,
i worry about my eyes being so blood shot all the time

03-04-07, 14:01
Hi All
This is my list......
Fear of dying ie heart attack
fear of dying due to being overweight
constant pains in chest left side
aches in left side of neck right down to fingers
pins and needles in face
tounge feeling odd most of the time
thudding heart beat
weak legs
blured vission sometimes
constantly feeling on edge and jumpy
constantly tired
panic attacks
bouts of OCD
all this leads to fear of going out and feeling poorly
i also have been diagnosed with M.E but am sure this is more likely to be anxiety
:) im sure there are many more too

04-04-07, 21:49
Hi Trish

I have just seen your posting while reading through the many replies to airwolf.

The similarities in what you write and what happened to me are uncanny and it really does help to know we are not alone or going mad.

In Aug 2005 my mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer, my brother and I kept going and going and like you said I felt really strong. I was almost nonchalant at times and I would tell myself these things happen. It took 9 days for us to get the results confirming it was cancer and in this time I went to work (a new job as a manager with a team of 14) visited mum at the hospital then went to see my grandad who had been put in a home -he usually lives with my mum. A week after my mum came out of hospital my 21 year old cousin was killed in a car accident. Again, I seemed to cry briefly and carry on with a "Well, what else can you do" attitude. His funeral came 10 days later and that night I came down with a sore throat and started with a terrible cold. I still kept trying to go to work, and then the dizziness kicked in and I couldn't balance. I was signed off for 2 weeks with vertigo and then came the never ending thoughts and anxiety attacks. I developed a fear of losing my hair and became convinced I had alopecia (this has since passed- since reading a book I'll refer to later)

It struck me that both our experinces include the strength to carry on and on until everything seems a little quieter. I don't know if our bodies decide for us that we have to get the anguish out eventually. I'm not a great fan of taking medication but I felt I couldn't carry on wth the thoughts and fear and I took Ciprimil - A true help and it got me back on track and anything was better than what I had tried to cope with. I'm sorry your tablets aren't helping with the panic and I'd think about revisting your DR as there are tablets that do help with this.

Things will get better, and what you are experiecing in the night will disappear when you no longer fear things happening (chicken and egg syndrome I know). Other, things that have helped me are the book called The worry cure by dr robert leahy.

I also think this website is fantastic and seeing that I'm not alone takes 90% of my panic away. I even laugh out loud when I see how similar we all are and how daft i've been worrying about it so much.

The other thing a counsellor once said to me that helped massively was the only thing I was suffering from was fear! she then asked me what the letters of fear stood for and then made me write down False Evidence Appearing Real!!!

It's not real, it's false so no need to panic.

Good Luck I hope this helped a little.

Kind Regards

Dawn x

05-04-07, 22:18
Hi there,

Just become a member and some really positive messages on here.

I have a fear of living and dying - constantly battling with the two!

I look forward to reading more of your messages.

Best wishes

06-04-07, 01:54
My symptoms are
fear of doctors
fear of dying
fear of a bad illnes
fear of hospitals
tightness in the head
feeking unsteady and weak
constant worrying

06-04-07, 18:51
wow, what a great thread!
Just reading through the posts has made me realise that the root of all my health problems is anxiety. I have recently started having ectopic beats but i did not know that anxiety may cause ectopic beats! So it is possible that the ectopic beats i have been having for the last 6 months are anxiety related and not heart disease related???
My symptoms list:
Fear of diesease/illness :weep:
IBS :ohmy:
Lump in throat :ohmy:
dizziness :wacko:
short of breath :huh:
tired all the time :wacko:
Acid reflux/indigestion :ohmy:
Feeling like i want to cry for no reason :weep:

07-04-07, 03:07

I thought it was only me that had the hiv one. glad to know I am not going mad.

it is really getting me down

29-05-07, 09:33
Mine are

*facial and head pain/pressure
*ear pressure
*fear of fainting
*fear of getting terminal illnesses
*obsessive thinking
*constant reassurance from family and doctors
*lack of confidence

I can't type any more it's making me realise how stupid I am at times!

Jo xx

29-05-07, 10:51
it's such a shame that so many of us feel like this

anyway mine are:

* fear of getting cancer (anywhere)
* fear of dying

It consumes my thoughts every day :weep:

29-05-07, 12:09
mine is

stressing myself out so much my blood pressure is really high all the time
giving myslef a heart attack

29-05-07, 13:49
God we are all in the same boat aren't we?:ohmy:

My worries are:
- Dying (I have a young son)
- Going mad
- Having a brain tumour (tho had MRI scan showing nothing amiss) :wacko:

Symptons are:
- Panic attacks
- Migraines and head pain on left temple
- Upset stomach
- Feeling of 'going mad'
- Sore throats

Looking at other people's symptoms I realise I am not alone. I get comfort in that.

09-08-07, 13:42
hey everyone.
mine are, in no particular order.

- fear of dying
- fear of heart attack
- fear of being like this forever
- heart palpitations/ectopics
- muscle twitching
- muscle tightness
- tight throat
- fear of not breathing correctly
- fear of having an anxiety/panic attack

at least we're not alone. good luck and good health to you all. x

09-08-07, 13:53
Okay well just the usual I guess

Overwhelming fear of dying
Guilt at previous excess when young, drink, drugs, unprotected sex (and certainty I will be punished for these one day- e.g. AIDS, Liver failure etc etc)
Irregular heart beat
Chest Pains
Ringing in Ears
Numness in face (particularly lips) hands and feet
Random pains in arms and legs
Bladder Pain
Eye twitching
seeing things in periforal vision (like an insect/rat)
Fear of infection and imminent death
Clenching hands, teath, shoulders
Acid stomach
Continous shiver sensation (like when someone runs there fingers down a black board)
Fear can't swallow/Breath
Fear of panic attack

Oh there are just too many more random things to mention!!!

It is conforting to read that lots of us have similar symptoms - helps to reinforce that they are anxiety related xx

09-08-07, 14:14
here's mine!

Fears: cancer, particularly lung, but at the moment oesophagus, HIV/AIDS. also get worked up and fearful flying. basically a fear of dying young without having done all the things that i want to do with my life.


-feeling EVERY SINGLE TWITCH in my body which is focussed on my worry area
-dry cough
-tight chest/unable to breathe
-unable to sleep - or wake up in a state of panic
-nausea - unable to eat so lose weight
-extreme tiredness
-unable to speak
-acid reflux/retching
-burping from swallowing too much air
-unable to concentrate
-i stroke my head or eyebrow when hyper anxious (weird childlike behaviour!)
-lump in throat
-obsession with my body and everything it does
- seeking reassurance from dr's, friends and people which helps for a day or so but i then find a flaw in what they've said and the anxiety starts again

my goodness - i'm a nutter :D

09-08-07, 18:30
My symptoms are :-

Fear of dying and leaving my son without a mother
Any brain related illness
Numbness in hands/face
Irrational thought
unable to think of anything else other than above

10-08-07, 23:43
My main worry at the moment is breast cancer as I have had sore breasts for months now I havent slept for worrying,even though I have been checked out at the breast clinic.I start to have a panic attack just thinking about it.

My other symptoms are--
chest pain when sitting and sore breasts
something stuck in my throat
not able to breath if I walk upstairs or up a hill(I don't do either now)
periodic upper abdomen pain
food sticking in my gullet. I have to drink water with each meal
numbness and pins and needles in my hands and arms
pain and numbness in my right leg
constant worry and tension even for a spot on my face-is it malignant?
pathological fear of having an accident or serious illness resulting in a stay in hospital
worry about my grandkids getting hurt
I cant go on a long car journey now because I get chest pain and breast pain and discomfort from the seatbelt when in the passenger seat
My heart races when I start to get anxious

I cant believe anxiety can cause all these things. I am also getting hot sweats every day and this coupled with the breast pain is making me more anxious
I may add that I am 67 and well past the hot flushes stage
I am seeing an osteopath for the leg pain and the chest discomfort he thinks its the nerves in my back that are causing this but in the meantime I can't sit in the car or a chair for any length of time.
I asked for medication to make me feel less anxious but the GP said she would refer me to a counsellor first
I am also on medication for HBP

Some days I sit and cry and my family dont know the half of it as I always put on a brave face. My mother died in dec last year and I have been even more depressed than usual.
Sorry this is so long but its good to get it off your chest to people who understand what you are going through


12-08-07, 03:05
visual snow (static TV vision)
flashes and increase of floaters
erratic heart beat (sometimes I wake up to this)
lump in throat
muscle twitches in arm, eye, or feet
fear of going mad
fear of dying
fear of going blind
fear of letting down my parents
fear of being alone forever
ringing noise in ears
hard time breathing when in panic
muscle tension in upper back

I never feel happy anymore!

12-08-07, 18:04
Hi all,

Thought I would give an incite into me!!!!

Fear of dying
Lack of Concentrration
IBS (just started to suffer)

Everyday is different........


13-08-07, 22:54
my symptoms are:- palpitations- headaches (especially tension headaches)- tingling/numbness in arms and hands- numbess in one of my legs- a tingling sensation around the crown of my head making me think i have a - brain tumour- aching arms- blocked earshaving previously been terrified of having a heart problem, my most recent fear is that i have a brain tumour and doctors won't scan my brain, even though i have been to them complaining of numbness, tingling and headaches. i can't seem to trust the doctor's judgement whatsoever.sally x

16-09-07, 16:11
My symptoms, well i seem to get something new every time

Trouble breathing, thinking that im going to stop breathing any minute
feeling that my right lung isnt working properly that its collapsed or something.
lump in throat that makes me thing ive got throat cancer
constantly clearing my thoat
severe fear of choking on anything (cant eat properly when having an attack)
tingling in my hands and feet
weird feeling that wont let me relax
fear that im going to die any moment

it really does help to see that other people have similar symptoms

16-09-07, 19:59
Yup, Ok, this will sound all too familiar, but it's probably the first time I've listed it all down, out loud, rather than in my own head!:D

Fear of dying (what will it be like?)
Fear of every cancer they've put a name to (plus few of my own:blush: )
Throat soreness/swallowing/lumpy feeling
I seem to have a permanent cold/blocked sinus
Stomache problems, pains, aches, wind etc
Weeing all the time
Shooting pains down left side,leg, knee, foot, groin
Visual disturbances, bright light like when you've looked into a light bulb, which fades eventually
General lethargy, disinterest in things, even things I enjoy
Thoughts of going mad

All good fun:weep: but I'm fighting it and gradually getting there:yesyes:

16-09-07, 22:56
Hi all

Mine are
Dying leaving my kids without a supportive Dad.
Heart Attack
Brain damage
Losing my mind
being a burden to my family ( if I am not one already.)
Losing ability to be self sufficient.

I keep reading that stress causes illness. The thought that I may be come ill due to having anxiety is a never ending cycle. I am just waiting for the illness to appear.

I think most of these fears are rational when you have a young family. What isnt is the physical feelings that come with the fears.

Time is a great healer.

Lots of Love

17-09-07, 00:55
My symptoms are

chest pain
numbness and aching in left arm and sometime leg
panic attacks - have trouble breathing when this happens
fear of allowing my heart beat to go fast
i used to have a fear of any type of cancer or brain tumour but since having the implanon rod taken out, these fears seem to have gone? strange.
fear of dying early and leaving my kids behind.

17-09-07, 09:47
Well my worries are

Every bug bite is lethal
Anaphalactic shock (throat closes up)
Death in anyway but mostly sudden
the feeling of not being able to breath
allergic reactions -- leading to death

pretty much anything
Symptoms are

sweaty palms
breathing probs
and just pure panic

26-09-07, 15:23
Hi there, I'm a new member and here are my symptoms (so glad I'm not alone like I thought)
- Fear of dying
- Irrational fear of stroke and drooping of face
- Fear of any serious illness
- Overthinking
- Depersonalisation/Realisation (scary the first time it happened, now totally blase by it which helps a lot)
- vivid weird dreams
- Startled just before dropping off to sleep
- Over Googling
- Phoning doctors all the time and not believing their diagnosis
- Tend to worry about others' health as well
- Hot flashes
- Tight throat
- Emotional
And the list goes on. Usually I'm really good at controlling everything but taking the pill makes it 100 times worse which is why I stopped, it got way better until they fitted me with a hormonal coil (Mirena) which is making my HA HORRENDOUS and almost uncontrollable. I'm having it removed tomorrow. Can't wait, hoping to feel free and my old self again :yesyes:

06-05-08, 23:03
Hello, sort of new here, but reading every now and then :D

So here it goes:

# health anxiety - fear of schizophrenia, HIV and MS
# obsessive thinking
# panic attacks
# feeling like my head is split in two and I'm going to fall apart
# trembling and uncontrollable shaking
# fear of being paranoid :wacko:
# fear of having a breakdown and developing a mental illness/psychosis
# perfectionism and uncompromising nature when it comes to me - I have to be perfect - if I'm not, I am worthless
# fear and dread of the unknown - even though I love it at the same time
# strangely no fear of dying - I see it almost as a release from this suffering although I am not suicidal - it's good to know if it gets unbearable I can opt out :noangel:


06-05-08, 23:29
hi there if im having a moment my worst fear is
fear of being alone
illnesses anything
i get funny heart beats, i will pul lodd strands of my hair out (lucky i got lots of thick hair) hehe

06-05-08, 23:46
ok in my full blown panic moments my worries/thoughts and symptons are.......

paralysis - sometimes i feel like i just cant physically move


Fatal blood clot (to the point that even if i get an ache in my leg i dont massage it for fear i may dislodge the clot...)

Heart Attack

Brain haemorrage

Epilepsy (no reason for this other than i feel sometimes i am ready to take a fit - i dont even have epilepsy !!)

That general feeling of losing control

Hot flushes

Inability to swallow

Fear that if i do swallow, i will swallow my tongue

Being on public transport and having sudden death


Developing a sudden extreme reaction or allergy to some foodstuff

A Dentist drilling my mouth and hitting a nerve without anaesthetic

Having to have emergency surgery and the anaesthetic not working and me feeling every thing

Having emergency surgery and dying on the operating table

oh i could go on and on

07-05-08, 14:54
here is my list.

fear of dying.
fear of cancer.
lump in throat
numb hands and feet
tingleing sensations
blured vision
acht arms and legs ( no strenth in them)
teeth clenching achy jaw

i could go on but i think you get it .
love and happiness to you all


07-05-08, 18:39

Reading all these posts and realising that we all share similar fears/symptoms has given me some comfort. These symptoms come and go but can all appear at once at times of serious anxiety.

Tight feeling in chest
Feeling breathless
Lump in the throat (moves position daily, currently I don't have one)
Feeling faint
Feeling sick
Lack of appetite (this lasted two weeks at one stage)
Lack of interest in things I enjoy doing
Feeling light headed
Feeling tired
Waking up with a bubbly stomach (no pain just gurgling)
Feeling "unreal"

Best wishes


07-05-08, 19:13
We all seem to be in the same boat!!

My big fears are:
cancer or any sort
Missed heart beats
Something happening to me and leaving my kids without a mum
IBS being something more serious?
Just any lumps bumps or illnesses

Wouldn't life be great without these worries, surely between us we can help and make life more relaxing....

07-05-08, 20:46
Hi, Im new to this site. My health anxiety started about six months ago when I started having panic attacks regulary. Ive put it down to having my little girl bad hormones and terrible labour! My friends say its post tramatic stress, but Ive been convinced since the first one I'm going to die.
So heres my list;
Heart attack is how I'm going to die.
I have chest pains
numbness and tingling down both arms ( at one point it felt like lead weights in em)
cant breathe
numbness in face (feels like cling film over it)
Its taking me a great deal of convincing I'm suffering from anxiety only, seeing a cog therapist at mo! lol!

08-05-08, 14:07
WOW!! M<y fears and symptoms are so very similar! I am TERRIFIED of cancer. I get to the point where I can't sleep, I over-check myself and self-diagnose on the internet (this is the worst thing ever). At the moment I am going through a tough time and I'm glad I found this website as I can see I am not alone.

08-05-08, 16:32
Know this thread is old now but i would like to also add my own symptoms-

fear of brain tumor or any other form of cancer
blurred vision
pins and needles
hair loss
weight loss
stomach pains
period problems
fear not bing around for my daughter
fear of grieving

21-05-08, 23:50
i have really bad anxiety symptoms and i hate them and wish they would go away.

here are mine:
*wierd sensations in my head - cloudiness, spacious, tenseness
*scared of sleeping
*scared im going to die
*problems with my brain
*find it hard to swallow
*heart palpitations

22-05-08, 08:09
aching all over
feeling sick
feeling spaced
needing loo all the time (sorry if TMI)
breathless/chest pain
Fear of dying and leaving my kids
Heart problems
blood clots (my current one!)
I check my body countless times a day for changes

22-05-08, 15:58
Here are my fears

Cancer of any kind
Alzheimers Disease

My symptoms are

IBS and related digestion problems
High Blood Pressure

26-05-08, 17:54
my main symptoms are

Lack of appertite
To little sleep
Back aches
Feels like im going crazy
Fears of getting cancer
Fear of dying

29-05-08, 15:14
hi all, with my first post i'd like to post my symptoms:

fear of dying/heart attack/arhythmia
chest pain
spaced out feeling
weird bodily/facial sensations when falling asleep
"broken record" thought patterns about having heart problems
mild depression

29-05-08, 20:06
wow what a fantastic thread.
Mine are

1. Fear of dying
2. Fear of any cerebral vascular accident ie strokes haemorrage anurism etc
3. Fear of altziemers or any degenerative brain disease.

29-05-08, 20:11
sorry pressed wrong button will continue

4. Fear of developing schizophrenia or the like (I feel this particularly when experiencing the depersonalisation thing)
5. Fear of fainting.
6. Just a general fear of making a show of myself.

meanwhile I am tormented with the full range of anx symptoms, but I tell you all I have read this thread from beginning to end and I know its not pleasant but I do feel reassured by everyone else. It is very positive.

thanks to everyone.

29-05-08, 20:37
I don't suffer from health anxiety but I do really suffer from

Spinal problems (the reason why I had to give up nursing)



Mild Asthma

Frozen Shoulders

Raynauds syndrome

Brain Tumour.

You may all wonder why I come on this HA board, well if I can say anything to make you all feel better :yesyes:

27-09-08, 20:24
my symptoms include

1) fear of terminal illnes...
2)shakey feelings
3)chest tightness
4)dry mouth
6)constant worry
7)feelings of being out of my body
9)constantly asking my friends questions..such as "do u think im dying" "no honestly do u?" etc..

27-09-08, 22:40
My fears and symptoms are the following

- Heart attack - chest pains, tight chest, palpitations
- Dying - both suddenly and with a terminal illness
- Throat - quivering sensation, aching and being choked
- Obsessional thought - mainly about dying or illness
- IBS - acid, pains in upper abdomen, irregular bowel movements
- Reproductive area - missed periods but still get the pains, also suffered 2 miscarriages
- Constantly asking - always at the doctor or asking overs if they get the same feelings (always looking for reassurance)
- Loved ones being ill or dying
- aches and pains - everypart of my body seems to ache at sometime
-Always feel ill - It has got to be someting serious!!!
- Feel like I am constantly moaning and a burden on others

Health Anxiety is basically ruining my life, so fighten of dying have become afraid to live.

Rebecca x

28-09-08, 11:09

fear of dieing
brain tumour
lump in throat
stomach upsets
weird appetite (possible i.b.s)
fear of loosing family
the list goes on and on and on and on........

28-09-08, 11:13
Oh and I forgot to say one of my biggest fears is that my Siamese cats will be taken ill when the vets are closed. :weep:

11-08-21, 12:27
When will the penny drop,i could be any one of these old posts,i was the same then and i still am now.Why do we keep on torturing ourselves year in year out.
Ruining our lives and that of our partners,because of an obsession with health.
Every little thing is a cause of complete and utter panic,for a reason known only to ourselves.Very few people can comprehend what we go through only someone like us.
So that is why i ask [when will the penny drop]when will we all realize that we are wasting precious time worrying when we should be having fun?

14-12-22, 19:13
Fear of deadly disease
Fear of neurological disease
Anything having to do with cancer.
Any new pain...and 'twitch'...'spasm'.
Feeling of dizziness
Fear or losing my mind In front of people or my family


15-12-22, 16:37
I have mild HA, same kinds of fears of most people (fear of cancer, hyper-focusing on small things, distorted thinking, etc.), but it's relatively mild thanks to my strong mindfulness practice.

But I've always had some physical symptoms due to anxiety, such as:
-occasional-to-frequent insomnia
-frequent urination
-overall tension in body (not pain though)
-racing heartbeat /BP spikes/ hypersensitivity to the environment
-injuries from overexertion...which is causing a weird stomach thing right now... this is due to HA because I exercise a lot to manage HA, (since it makes me feel healthier), but I don't rest enough when I'm in pain or too tired.

I think that's it....