View Full Version : In a mess and realise I need help

17-12-14, 10:38
I am going to see the consultant tonight about ongoing bowel issues as I've already posted on here and of course, I have convinced myself it's cancer despite bloods being okay and dr assuring me relevant markers are not raised but because of past history of crohns many years ago, they have fast tracked me within the 14 day thing they do as they do with breast lumps etc.

My problem is, I really not coped with this latest episode of HA - my family think it's a bit of a joke but my daughter admitted this morning that I am dragging them all down with me and they are worried. I feel so guilty for doing this to them on top of everything else. I am also having to cope with my 83 year old lovely Mum single handedly who I brought home from hospital yesterday and then just literally sorted her out, made us some tea and then dashed the half hour journey home and I felt so guilty leaving her alone to cope but she is a coper, not like me. I genuinely feel I am going mad. I have never been in such a bad place. I have dragged myself to work but am sitting here on the brink of hysteria and I really don't know how to cope or what to do about it. I tried to talk to my OH this morning but he just says I am mental and that it's up to me to sort myself out as nobody else can do it for me....I know I can't go on like this and I have promised myself that if I haven't got bowel cancer to cope with and it's something treatable, then I will stop posting on here and go down the route of trying to just post or participate on the 'getting there slowly' thread instead. Forgive the ramblings, but I am in a very dark place at the moment and can't see a way out as people just think it's just a case of thinking positively and I haven't got one positive bone in my body and am just at the end of my tether with myself. I am on the list for counselling and on anti-depressants but it's not a quick enough fix for me...

I have lost about a stone now and can't eat and I wake up at 5am and then literally just shake my leg in bed and the other night I had scratched all my hand and made it bleed by just repetitive action to try and relieve the stuff in my head. I really have tried all the deep breathing, relaxation stuff to try and switch my mind off but I really am worried now that I am on the brink of just going nuts and waking up in a locked ward with no control and the pain it will cause my family....

17-12-14, 10:50
I have been having these problems for months I went of my food lost weight and ended up having a break down 2 weeks ago I lost a stone in 3 weeks couldn't have a solid Poop sorry tmi! Haven't been able to eat ext! Started sertraline been put up to 100mg now I was waking at 5 am every morning kicking around in the bed haveing a right old panic! Felt like my legs were going to give way! Anyway I've been forcing my self to eat hard but I've been trying been sick in the morning not the last 2 days though! Woke up this morning has a solid poop thank the Lord first one in weeks! Weighed my self put 3 pound on! And all of sudden the week legs went! Strange I know! I had full bloods with liver ext and they said for a smoker it was the best they had seen not even a slight cold! Doctor said he won't give me a scan as bloods would show markers for concern! Not saying I'm better but I feel a lot better today probably be a mess by half 1 but that is the battle of this horrible illness our mind is beating us day by day but surely we should be the master of out own mind!

Hope your Ok

17-12-14, 11:00
Thanks Luke. I have been here before years ago, but never this bad. I know what we can do to ourselves in these situations but I really just don't know how to get myself out of this black hole at the moment and the pressure from family and the worry about my health all the time is just stopping me from coping. Years ago, I would get like this just due to depression and anxiety and eventually it would pass but now it's associated with my health it's much worse.

17-12-14, 11:06
I understand my girlfriend is broken I've ran away to my mom's beens she's the only one who can sort me out most of the time had this for many years! When you eat do you burp and pass wind alot sorry if that a personal question!!! Get full quick and stomach make a lot of noise?

17-12-14, 14:42
Hi Jules,

We are here to support you. A lot of people on here find that talking here rather than to their loved ones much more beneficial. I don't think your mad, doing this on purpose or trying to bring others down. I do think you have a sometimes quite debilitating, mental illness that whilst I'm sure you don't want sympathy you neither want ridicule or to be made guilty. Join the 'getting their slowly' post regardless of tonight appt. Lucia xx

17-12-14, 15:15
Thanks Luc. I will try but I have to do it sneakily at home at the moment. It helps to know that I'm not alone as this HA is such a lonely thing as you are made to feel embarrassed about it. I've never been this bad and it's frightening me to think that I'll never be any different.