View Full Version : Oh dear 🙈

17-12-14, 11:46
Sssoooooooo..... All morning I've been feeling fine with my health anxiety.... Feeling pretty stressed but that's about it

Anyway, I made myself a brew sat down at the dining table to read the paper and had thi weird dizzy feeling

It didn't last longer than 5 seconds say, and it wasn't full on dizzy ness just slight

So this has sent me in panic mode, because since my mum was in intensive care for something related to her brain and beig in a coma

It keeps coming and going..... What is it??

Should I do something or?

17-12-14, 12:36
Have you seen your gp about it? I have it too, but mine happens when I go outside, mostly when I go to a shop like Asda. Mine is accompanied with nausea and a weird sensitivity to lights. Maybe you were hungry? Maybe low blood pressure? Just see you Gp and tell them about these dizzy spells in details.

And never forget that when you're having severe anxiety it's normal to have better days but it doesn't mean that it's completely gone, you can very well still show the symptoms. I feel much calmer this week but I still have the lump sensation in my throat for example.

Hope you feel better soon, take care x

17-12-14, 16:36
i thought my panics were down to anaemia because im vegetarian. i thought that the physical aspect of a panic attack was actually me trying to stop myself from passing out.

i am a bit like many of the people here who think that they have a terrible condition when in reality they are suffering with anxiety and panic attacks, but im more interested in what causes panic attacks, what is it that we each have that actually tips our chemistry over the edge to put us through all these traumatising effects?

for me having a cigarette sometime can set off a mild panic-obviously centered around the throat in this instance.

i understand why people think that they are being fobbed off by a doctor who tells them that they are just having panic attacks but i do think that there is a little more to it than just having to accept this condition.