View Full Version : Any stories;Has anyone had muscle pains when depressed but they've recovered from it?

expecto patronum
17-12-14, 14:20
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has been in the same boat as me? I've been getting small shooting pains in various parts of my body regularly for the last 3 weeks; I have convinced myself it is Fibromyalgia, and been seriously depressed and anxious as a result. My mum insists that as I was already depressed when it started, they will clear up when I'm not depressed. Has anyone else had this and recovered?
I keep reminding myself that I used to be dizzy 24/7 and thought it would never go away, but then I accepted it and eventually it went away, but then I keep thinking about what I've read about fibromyalgia and it sounds really long-term. I'm getting so scared and depressed I can barely function, I feel like I'm losing my mind.

17-12-14, 15:23

Sometimes when we're anxious or depressed we tense up. I used to have constant back pain. Keep reminding yourself on your positives and what you've achieved.
Try Radox baths or even Epsom salt baths. And stay away from Dr Google!!!

Anxiety feeds of your fear

Take care

17-12-14, 15:51
When I am really struggling with anxiety I can be practically paralysed with back pain. Shoots spasms everywhere. I'm not experiencing it now.

Just keep reminding yourself you got through it last time.

17-12-14, 16:06
think of a stressed or anxious person. how they hold themselves or clench their teeth. of course that is going to have a knock on effect.

look into a mirror and stand back straight. relax your shoulders and then put them back. now stand up straight again. are you shoulders level with each other? make them level..

simple way to see how we contort ourselves in a minor way and just live like that until it causes us a problem and we need to look at it. keep checking and correcting your posture in the mirror and gently stretch the areas that you feel that you need to pull or force into place.

expecto patronum
17-12-14, 19:34
But they're shooting pains and not just tension-ache.
Wabbit that must be scary, how do you get out of the worry-loop?