View Full Version : Why isn't seroxat working?

17-12-14, 14:44
Hi guys,

Looking for some advice, reassurance I think. I am going through a bout of severe anxiety. Has been going since early October. The doc put me on seroxat 20mg for around two weeks then upped it to 30mg after I had a major breakdown. So I've been essentially on it for over two months. Everything I've read says it takes 4-6 weeks to feel the full effects. However right now I'm in hell and feeling no benefit from it. I'm on valium too and sleeping tablets.

I have had a couple of weeks where I thought I was improving but then bam, straight back to square one. I also started some CBT sessions but right now its not doing me much good.

I should mention that I've been on seroxat 20mg previously for several years until June of this year. I had the doctor wean me off because I felt that I was doing well. Then all this happened.

Is there any reason the drugs don't seem to be working? Should I ask my doctor to up the dosage or put me on something else. Or should I give it more time?

28-08-15, 08:51
I just registered to this forum because of this exact problem- I am now at 20mg and it's taken over 3 months to start feeling any kind of normal and even at that I am still havin bad days :( I don't know what to do at this point :(

04-09-15, 00:11
I've been on seroxat/paroxetine for years. I started on 20mg and don't think i felt any benefit but my doctor was rubbish and I was to anxious to tell them i wasn't feeling better. I think it's not a total cure but has helped me in the end, even though anxiety etc feels like a stalker to me! I'm on 40 mg now having been down to 10 and up to 20/30. I am going through a bad patch agian :( I suggest going back to your gp. Shame I can't take my own advice!

05-06-17, 00:26
Hi guys,

Looking for some advice, reassurance I think. I am going through a bout of severe anxiety. Has been going since early October. The doc put me on seroxat 20mg for around two weeks then upped it to 30mg after I had a major breakdown. So I've been essentially on it for over two months. Everything I've read says it takes 4-6 weeks to feel the full effects. However right now I'm in hell and feeling no benefit from it. I'm on valium too and sleeping tablets.

I have had a couple of weeks where I thought I was improving but then bam, straight back to square one. I also started some CBT sessions but right now its not doing me much good.

I should mention that I've been on seroxat 20mg previously for several years until June of this year. I had the doctor wean me off because I felt that I was doing well. Then all this happened.

Is there any reason the drugs don't seem to be working? Should I ask my doctor to up the dosage or put me on something else. Or should I give it more time?

Your story sounds much like mine, how are you now? Did the Paxil work? Did you change to something else?

06-11-17, 19:53
I have been on seroxat 18 years and felt it wasn't working anymore so they have given me buspirone ASWELL as apparently it increases seroxats ability

03-04-18, 19:09
Hi everyone: Brand new to this even though I've been reading threads for years. My doctor recently switched me over from Citalopram to Paxil CR. The Citalopram was no longer helping me even after an increase to the max dose.

I started 4 weeks ago taking 25mg Paxil CR. After about 5 days I felt amazing for two weeks. Almost too amazing at some points until last week. I had a bad attack and the doctor put me up to 37.5mg. So one week later on the 37.5mg I am a little worse. No appetite, major anxiety, heart racing, insomnia and so on. I went to see him today and he increased to 50mg. I have been a disaster since xmas and have not had any relief except for the first two weeks on Paxil. Will the 50mg dose help me sooner rather than later. Not sure i can take much more.

I would imagine the same as most of you. Single mom to two boys, full time stressful job. Have to get back to myself quick!!!:weep: