View Full Version : Really worried about my new girlfriend

17-12-14, 15:02
Hi there

I signed up to this because I'm really not sure what to do. Any advice is really appreciated.

My girlfriend (of just a few months) is suffering from anxiety. She keeps having panic attacks about 4 times a week - it could be in the middle of the night, at the super market or anywhere.

To my knowledge she was okay (or she hid it very well) until we became official about a month ago. Now I'm really not sure what to do.

Everything stresses her out. She can barley dress herself in the mornings, she runs late for work because she can't get out of bed because she feels or sometimes is sick.

She also suffers from migraines and in the past month has had them about twice a week. These also come with panic attacks and sickness. She's so worried about having them that she has panic attacks thinking she's about to have them when she's not.

It's affecting every aspect of her life. And our relationship. I feel like I've become a full time carer - trying to get her dressed in the morning and make her eat proper food. Her flats a complete mess too. She's falling to pieces.

We haven't been together long and I know it's supposed to be the fun stage of a relationship, but it's not at all. When I mention I'm not happy and that it's having an affect on our relationship, it just makes things worse. I feel stuck and I feel helpless.

She won't take my advice about going to the doctor and getting signed off work for a bit - she has a very stressful job which is new & she's still on probabtion. It's her first job after uni.

I really don't know where to turn. Her family don't live locally and although she talks to them about it, I get the feeling they don't know how bad it's got and she doesn't want to burden them because her sister is suicidal at the moment.


Any advice deeply appreciated,

17-12-14, 15:11
She really needs to see her GP, starting her new job AND a new relationship, plus Migraine. Is there any chance you could make the appointment for her and totally insist she goes, offer to go with her.

Sometimes we anxiety sufferers need tough love!!!

Take care

17-12-14, 15:48
That's good advice. Thank you.

17-12-14, 15:58
best thing that you can do is make sure that she is eating, gets enough rest and be there to comfort her when she needs it.
with regard to getting her dressed and tidying her flat-i wouldnt. cleaning up her own mess is something that will occupy her thoughts away from whatever issue it is that is causing her the anxiety to panic.

you dont really need a trip to the doctors to tell you that she is having panic attacks but it is worth going to ask if there are any obvious physiological reasons, low blood sugar, anaemia, b12 absorption problems.

i would get her to join this website and talk to people for a start : )