View Full Version : Text message made me worried

17-12-14, 16:38
I had an endoscopy a month ago and they said it was all clear, they took biopsies from my esophagus just in case but the practitioner nurse said they will come back clear.

Anyway I had a message today from a number saying that I should contact my Gp to book an appointment with my doctor at the end of February.

Really made me worried! It shouldn't be something really important as the message says at the end of Feb but if it the result was normal they wouldn't have texted me. Now I'm worried I have Barrett's Esophagus.

Don't know if I should go to the Gp tomorrow and ask the receptionist about the results. :(

17-12-14, 16:54
That is probably to discuss the result/treatment regardless if it is positive or negative. Anything urgent they would have called you in right away. BE is not a life sentence.

People with Acid reflux rarely develop BE and even if they do get BE rarely does that develop into cancer. The probability is low!

17-12-14, 16:57
Hi Popejoan , I'm not sure , but would the Doctor leave it until the end of February if you had something like Barrats?, I would of thought they would have wanted to see you much quicker. xx

17-12-14, 16:58
Sounds like an automated thing, your test results would have been sent back to the GP to add to their records and maybe they just want to check in with you to make sure you are feeling okay about everything post-test i.e. whether symptoms are ongoing or anything like that. I personally would prefer to talk to someone in person than to just hear nothing! Sure it's fine, but you could probably ask your doctor to give you a call if you are worried.

17-12-14, 17:15
Hello guys, thanks for you replies, it made me so worried that I almost went there but than I stopped myself for today but I can't wait until then so I made an appointment online to see the doctor on Monday. I just want to know the results. End of Feb is ages away and I know it shouldn't be important but can't stop thinking what if it's Barrett's. Definitely won't be able to stop thinking about it over Christmas so whether or not the doctor will be annoyed, I don't care. Just have to see him xx

17-12-14, 17:22
There's no way they'd make you wait until the end of Feb if it was serious, but my goodness I wouldn't be able to wait until then to find out, especially over Christmas! As the others have said you've obviously been put on some kind of 'low priority' automated appointment. You're quite entitled to go in sooner and ask so I'm glad that's what you've done. Good luck!
Lin x

17-12-14, 17:26
Oh thanks Lin, it's good to hear opinions from people who think like I do. If I told my boyfriend or family they would've probably said go in Feb then and stop worrying, like that's easy :) Thank you x

17-12-14, 18:20
popejoan for you:hugs::hugs::hugs:

17-12-14, 18:29
Pretty sure it will just an appointment to give you the results formally. I think the practise now is to give results in person now, rather than by post or phone. The gp's round here don't allow the office staff to give results out either now. If there was anything to worry about, they wouldn't make you wait until Feb.

17-12-14, 18:33
My surgery can give blood results over the phone but only say 'normal no further action needed' they are not allowed to say more than that, so yes I agree it is probably to give you the results. :) x

17-12-14, 21:54
Thank you Magic :)) Thank you Saab and Almamatters. I just thought if the results were normal they wouldn't have told me at all because they do that sometimes. At the end of Feb is reassuring but can't stop thinking about Barrett's now :( I'll know Monday. Hate waiting for the results :(