View Full Version : Could this be it?

07-01-07, 19:29
I've never really known what the name of my problem was. I know I don't have social anxiety, I just refer to myself as an anxious person but I wonder if I could be suffering from health anxiety?
- I always jump to the worst conclusion (bump on the head/headache = brain haemmorage, flu = menningitus, aches and pains = the flu/heart attack).
- I worry a lot about going blind or having a stroke.
- I quite often contemplate how unpredictable life is, etc.
- The thing that makes me panic is the idea that I may faint, even when I feel well and have a full stomach.
I'm a lot better now than I was and these things don't plague me as much, it's just an occasional "oh my gosh, what if!?"
I just really want to know what's wrong with me and I want to avoid the doctor, I've been there too often, lol. I've also already had one set of therpahy that taught me breathing exercise and other ways of dealing with stress. I don't know if that's enough though, I just need reassurance..constantly.

08-01-07, 03:03
No one deserves to be anxious all the time and no one is born that way. The circumstances we move through create memories in our unconsious minds. This can, if too discomforting cause the u/c mind to develop symptoms that actually are intended to act as a protecting mechanism, not that it feels that way at the time.

So if you are able to identify the genus behind the symptoms YOU are back in control.



08-01-07, 10:50

08-01-07, 10:51

08-01-07, 12:37
Just stay in touch with the people here. There are many people that suffer in silence or worse still don't recognise that what they see as 'just the way they are' is actually their minds defence mechanism creating symptom after symptom.

Simply have the confidence to talk to people puts you in a totally different place than them.

That's what's great about the PC and forums - contact 24/7 when you need it. only 10 years ago it just wasn't as available

good luck in your decisions

