View Full Version : Constant fear of heart problems,, Anxiety, Panic attacks ?? Please help :(

18-12-14, 07:39

I am a 27 year old male, smoker, 83kg/180cm tall.. Overall I've had no major health issues in the past, I've been lucky I guess

I have had anxiety for the last 3 years and experienced some panic attacks...

In the last 6-8 weeks I have been in constant fear of heart problems,, I have been experiencing a slight pressure/sensation around my heart area - Comes and goes but only lasts for a few seconds at a time.. Then I spend the rest of my day/night being worried I have some kind of heart problem :(

I have seen different doctors and been to the ER many, many times over the last 6-8 weeks

I have had blood tests, Many ECG's, Chest xRays ( as I had a cough ) and I also did a stress ECHO test at the hospital where you run on a tredmill and the cardiologists takes ultrasound of your heart. Ect .....

All of the tests were fine were fine ... But I still feel this weird sensation in my chest / left side around heart area .. It's starting to drive me crazy,, making my life a living hell in constant fear of (( what if the doctors missed something ))

And I am also experiencing panic attacks .. Feels like I'm going to drop and die.. Feels like I'm losing control over my body.. Usually lasts for 10-20 mins then goes away... But my health anxiety is still there most of the day/night

My blood presure is normally around 125/80... When in panic mode it has been 140/90.. And once I had a panic attack in the doctors surgery and my blood pressure went to 150/95.... My doctor isn't concerned of blood pressure problems and says its just anxiety related.

I have been prescribed valium and lexapro ... I only just started taking the valium ... I took it for 3 days and felt great .. Felt like all the anxiety was gone.. On my 4th day the valium didn't work, and I actully had a bad panic attack and another visit to the ER :/

I havnt taken lexapro yet as I've been very scared of the side effects.. I believe one of them is very high blood pressure ?? And I've also stopped taking valium in fear of another big panic attack

All in all... I've had all these multiple tests done that all came back fine... A part of my mind tells me ( I'm ok ) and another part says ( what if the doctors missed something )... Usually my health anxiety is triggered by these sensations in my chest (( not painful )) just a dull/pressure type of feeling

I also stated seeing a psychologist .. But only once a week ... It's been 5 weeks now with no improvement

Would the blood tests, multiple ECG's,,, stress ECGO and xRays be enough ?? Would they have been able to detect a heart problem ?? All in all I've seen atleast 20 different doctors,, including my trips to the ER.. Surely one of them would of picked up something ??

If anyone could please give me some advice I would really appreciate it a lot... I'm slowly losing my mind here.. Confused and in constant fear I have a heart problem ... Help please :([COLOR="blue"]

---------- Post added at 18:39 ---------- Previous post was at 18:36 ----------

And another thing that freaks me out is - I look on health forums and have seen MANY posts by people with very similar symptoms and stories as mine... But all the posts are years and years old and the people who posted have been inactive for years ... I think to myself (( did they make a full recovery )) ??? Or did they actully have a heart problem ?? I am so confused.. Scared and terrified .. :(

19-12-14, 06:16
Has anyone been through this ?? Any advice/help would be appreciated

19-12-14, 12:06
Hey i have the same fear with heart anxiety like your self i have been to the hospital many times but they find nothing its important to now you are not alone i also loose sensation over my body and think im going to die most days well everyday every minute and suprise suprise nothink ever happens.

I also take an anti d mirtazapine im on day 7 now im unsure how i feel but i feel some kinda change i guess i also take valium i started on 2mg 3 times a day aome days it works better than others bare in mind ur other medication can have a side affect of increased anxiety.

I believe you will get better you just need to stay positive i dont think we will ever b cured but i believe managment is possible l just dont give up hope. And you blood pressure is within normal range and everyones increases with panic when i was pregnant my bp was 174/100 :ohmy: and yes it was very high but again suprise suprise im still here. Remember your body is a strong thing it a weak mind that messes you up 😊 good luck in your recovery you can beat it xxx

---------- Post added at 12:06 ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 ----------

Oh remember valium is a great drug but you will build up a tolerance to it depending on dosage xx

19-12-14, 13:04
As one who has heart disease and has had the tests (and more) as you have, I can say without doubt that the tests would have picked up on an issue, especially the stress test/echo.

Doubting test results and medical professionals is a classic HA symptom as are stress related chest pains. You're doing the right thing by seeking therapy. You should bite the bullet and start taking the Lexapro. Give it time (weeks) to work in conjunction with your therapy and you should begin to see results. Valium should be used as a breakthrough drug only when needed. And remember, healing from anxiety is not like healing from a cold. It takes time. Measure your progress in weeks and months as opposed to days and don't get discouraged if you take a step back once in a while. You're learning how to cope and change thought patterns not mathematical formulas so it does take time and work.

Positive thoughts

20-12-14, 03:29
Thank you lourah198 and Fishmanpa both for your help and advice :)

I really do appreciate it a lot.... Yes I'm sure the doctors would of picked something up.. Surely :)

Just need to keep telling myself I've been checked out and I'm ok... Just very scary at times I panic and think it's my heart ... :/ lol

Thanks again .. I feel reassured :)