View Full Version : Health Anxiety and travelling the world

18-12-14, 10:56
I'm intending to start a blog focused solely on travelling with anxiety, whether that be on a bus, train, plane, to a neighbouring country, or half way across the world. I know this is something a lot of people with anxiety want to do in their lives, and this condition makes it extremely challenging.

Would anyone be interested in seeing something like this? And if so, what aspects of anxiety and travel would you like to see covered?

I'm currently signed off sick from work with exhaustion, so I thought I'd try and be slightly productive.

Thanks all :)

18-12-14, 11:27
I think for many people with anxiety, the period leading up to travelling is just as challenging as the travel itself, so dealing with the lead-up to making a trip would be useful.

18-12-14, 11:43
I'd definitely be interested in this. I travel a lot when can and anxiety is killer - but the key is never letting it stop us from doing something.

19-12-14, 08:25
Thanks for your input guys :) Will take this on board!

19-12-14, 10:47
Hi Lele,

I just noticed that this post is in health anxiety, but it might be better if a separate section was set up for "travel anxiety", as I know this is an issue which affects a lot of NMP posters who may not see themselves as affected by health anxiety as such.

19-12-14, 11:34
Hi Hanshan,

That's a good point, how can I go about moving it?

20-12-14, 06:36
I think you can put a post in the "Contact NMP" part of the Forum asking where you think it would be best located, or send a message via the "Contact us" link at the bottom of the page. Good luck with it, wherever it ends up.

23-12-14, 10:12
Thanks :)

24-12-14, 23:21
Travel is something I definitely want to and will achieve, this will be great!