View Full Version : Panic attack or not? please help

18-12-14, 12:42
Well today I think I got another panick attack but I'm not 100% sure if it was an actual panick attack. I got a pain on my chest I got super dizzy and felt the sides of my head kinda hurting. I started to breath heavilly but then I said to myself "it's a panic attack, relax. it's okay, relax" and after a while it was gone. So, do you think it was a panic attack?

20-12-14, 02:18
Yes absolutely 100%.
I have suffered from panic attacks for over 13 years now.
Dont worry koukla!

20-12-14, 10:37
thank you...
haha did you just use a greek word?

20-12-14, 23:42
I may have lol!