View Full Version : left groin pain

18-12-14, 14:24
for about ten months ive been getting muscle pulling burning pain in my groin left side since i was pregnant (baby now 7mths) do you think anything to worry, i pulled it other day , i think i may have answered my own question

19-12-14, 11:24
Hi there, i've had many problems with my right groin due to football, had pain in my groin for about 2 years straight, all down to the fact i did not rest it, groins can be funny things to heal as we are always walking and once they pull they are more likely to pull again, my mum pulled her groin few months ago, pain went down her whole and is only just healing now.

I recommend icing first couple days after pull then heat, best would be a hot water bottle, also search up injured groin exercises, they will help alot. But please try not to worry :)

19-12-14, 17:32
thank you so much xx