View Full Version : Having a rough day

18-12-14, 22:41
I am a long time sufferer of HA. In the last 10 days, my very healthy lifestyle sister has been diagnosed with cancer at 35 yrs old. A woman my age (mid 40s) that I know has died of throat cancer though she never smoked and another woman my age was diagnosed with early onset dementia. I have my usual array of fears but they are all multiplied by 100 right now. Sorry for dumping this on all of you right now but nobody else would understand. Thanks for letting me vent my fears.


18-12-14, 22:45
Sorry to hear you're feeling bad J2. It can be so hard when everything seems to happen at once. Anyone would feel shaken getting that much bad news in such a short time so don't be hard on yourself for feeling bad. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and best wishes xx

16-02-15, 23:08
Thanks London