View Full Version : Heart attack fear

18-12-14, 22:46
For the last week I have been experiencing a heaviness/dull pressure on the left side of my chest and kind of behind my boob area.. I am ever so worried its a heart attack and hasn't helped o read a study about common symptoms for women who have a heart attack... I am losing my mind and am worried I am going to have a heart attack :( I also get a stabbing pain in my heart when I am shouting or having a argument with someone (not that I do that ALOT )

18-12-14, 23:07
i have had quite a lot of stabbing pains and aches in the chest today and considered asking someone if they would call an ambulance for me. strangely i didnt even panic about it.

i have come to accept these weird pangs and twitches for what they are and that if i were having a heart attack i wouldnt be in any doubt about it.

its hard to gauge between different people what their physical and mental tolerances are compared to your own and at what level something becomes serious.

if i am ever truly concerned that i am having heart attack or stroke or something i do the recommended tests- lift your left arm above you head-if you can then you are fine. is your chest cold to the touch? no? then youre fine..(though sometimes hard to feel when you are numb and shaling with panic!).

do some stretching : )

18-12-14, 23:39
Thanks hun! I'm so sorry your experiencing the same thing :( I was just laying down and had a really sudden shooting pain in my heart so I'm panicking even more now..

19-12-14, 00:19
you could have done something as simple as trapping a nerve.

yeah my left arm is often reaching for the sky!

i figured that during periods where i am doing lots of heavy lifting i dont suffer with the 'thoughts' so much because i can attribute a direct cause. when these pains just seem to come out of the blue they are that much more irrational that we look first for the worst case scenario to cover all potential bases.

you could have strained yourself doing something that hadnt made you think that you had injured yourself and then felt it much later. much like finding a bruise or cut on you that you werent aware of until you saw it.

another thing is that people who have these pains in their heart are very often mistaken as to where their heart actually is. even in very close proximity the cause could still be something as simple as indigestion, acid reflux and probably more commonly good old simple wind!

try not to monitor yourself too closely and find a way to distract yourself and you will soon forget about it : )

19-12-14, 12:04
Today is going even worse the pain is still there and noticed even more so when I'm walking I feel like there is a lot of pressure on my chest and feel a bit breathless (think its the worry making my breathless) I'm so scared and even more so reading women can experience symptoms of a heart attack a week before

19-12-14, 13:52
hi again, why do you think that you are a candidate for a heart attack? do you live an unhealthy lifestyle or have an underlying illness?

make sure that you are eating and drinking properly, try to stretch around this uncomfortable areas and then get some quality rest.

youre symptoms can be all those of a panic attack or from high anxiety but you should probably see a doctor if you need a professional to listen to your heart and lungs to reassure you. feel better soon : )

19-12-14, 22:00
I live a pretty healthy lifestyle I eat well and don't smoke or drink but I am overweight.. And have been under stress the last two weeks.. Also a little anxious as I've had pericarditis before :/ but went to the doctor today and he did a ecg he said all was perfectly normal but if contines I should go to a&e ?!?!

19-12-14, 22:19
but went to the doctor today and he did a ecg he said all was perfectly normal but if contines I should go to a&e ?!?!

A&E is not necessary nor warranted. You've had some discomfort for a over a week and have been cleared medically. I'm saying this as someone who's had two heart attacks. Male/female differences aside concerning symptoms, you would be in the hospital or worse by now if it were sinister. You also wouldn't be posting this on an anxiety forum waiting for answers if you were in serious distress. Stress, reflux or gas are the most likely culprits.

Positive thoughts

19-12-14, 23:22
Thank you for your words Fishmanpa I real appreciate it and you are right its so easy to get lost into the negative rather than think straight.. I'm so sorry you have had two and hoping you are better xxx