View Full Version : The caffeine monster strikes

19-12-14, 00:42
So at the beginning of November I had my first panic attack outside of getting a blood test. Had my second beginning of this month. My doctor agreed they were panic attacks and sent me for blood tests (all normal except my thyroid meds need lowering).
After the second attack I cut caffeine from my diet, switched to de caf tea and tried to eat/drink more often. I felt great!

Yesterday my boyfriend left to go to the US for Christmas so my parents joined me at our house. So far we've had a lovely time watching movies, driniing tea and walking the dog My parents love their tea and drink de caf themselves.

This morning I awoke with a panic attack due to my ear hurting and being dizzy (fluid pressing against my eardrum after a cold). Then around 5pm I had another.

This one lingered and left me more shaken than the first but I chatted to my mum about it and I tried to think why it just came out of nowhere... Then it hit me.

I had some spare regular teabags for guests. My parents had been using those for the tea since they couldn't find the decaf and thought that the regular tea was what I always drank. To be fair I had no idea I'd react like that to tea!

Cut a long story short no more caffeine at all for me!

19-12-14, 01:22
Yep....caffeine can be a real culprit in egging on a panic.

I suffer from panic attacks too, and had to stop drinking coffee. I found that it was causing my heart to race, then palpitations and that would make me anxious and then THAT would cause a panic!

Thankfully, I'm ok with tea (if I had to give up my normal cuppa I would cry like a big baby, lol :D) Got to have something to drink with my 'Chocolate Buttons' fetish!

Bad enough having to give up coffee, as I LOVE a cappuccino, and miss them badly. :weep:.....but I would rather that than a panic attack any day.

19-12-14, 12:27
Same here. switched to De-caf tea a couple of years ago, so long as it's a good brand I'm ok, I use Yorkshire tea-bags.

19-12-14, 18:19
yorkshire decaf tea fan too :) as I can't touch caffeine either. As well as the usual heart racing,dizzy etc it affects my blood sugar levels so I go all hot and get the shakes with wobbly legs. x

20-12-14, 14:52
I usually drink decaf since I like a cup before bed and regular tea keeps me up.
Felt fine yesterday but shaky again today. Wondering if I still have some caffeine in my system since I did drink quite a bit of tea!