View Full Version : GERD

19-12-14, 10:15
I have been posting on here alot about my upper back/shoulder ache, nausea, night sweats, breathlessness etc. I went to see my doctor again yesterday and he said it's gerd (acid) and gave me tabs. How can this cause one sided pains? My right shoulder feels constantly tight and sore.
I told him i was a worrier and that i had diagnosed myself with lung cancer and he looked at me like i was silly and said i wouldn't even think like that you have had loads of bloods done and they are all fine.

19-12-14, 10:34
I also went Docs Tuesday and I have the same as you and yes it does cause upper back pain and some times its so bad its agony, not lung cancer as that doesn't particularly hurt till later stages and would show in bloods before then, what meds has he given you, I have zantec brilliant 2 full days symptoms minimum heave sigh of relief :D

19-12-14, 10:42
Lansoprasole. I have a constant sore right shoulder and keep thinking it's my lung.
What symptoms did you have?

19-12-14, 14:13
Have they investigated you for gallstones?
I have all the same probls as you but mine is left sided :( really sympathise. I'm on omoprazole

19-12-14, 14:48
I have a gallstone but the doc pressed in that area and said it wasn't gallstone. Yes thats what i am on mummyanxious.

19-12-14, 16:06
I'm surprised they aren't considering the gallstone beings you have been diagnosed with one. That is usually right sided pain. I had them years ago.
I have had the most awful stomach pain today, dreadful. But just keep getting fobbed off with the meds.

19-12-14, 16:22
Have you got gallstones? I have had one for at least 12 yrs.

19-12-14, 16:40
Ah ha! Yes Zippy that makes total sense all the symptoms connect. Right shoulder pain (particularly the tip of the shoulder) is a common symptom of GERD/gallstones/acid indigestion. At least you now know it is not serious and you can deal with it. I was on Omeprazole for those symptoms and it worked wonders.
