View Full Version : A little guidance please

19-12-14, 19:50
Hello, I'm new here. I've recently been feeling very upset, teary and anxious about a lot of things. For example, I'm
Getting myself into a real state about my uni work and exams - I never used to feel like this about uni but recently all ur wanted to do is cry about it!!!! My relationship is making me anxious too but I couldn't tell you why!!!! My other half is a lovely guy, we've beeb together about four months now but I feel anxious and worried when I don't see him (we see each other about twice a week). I haven't seen him in over a week as he's been away and now he's back he's had a cold (man flu!!!) but hates being in people's company when he's ill. But it's making me cry that I can't see him and I just feel really uneasy, even though he hasn't given me a reason to!
I can never switch off at night and as a result I'm not sleeping well. I feel very stressed out and I just want to cry all the time. I'm a type 1 diabetic too and I just feel so drained and exhausted. What is wrong with me!??! :(

19-12-14, 20:59
What is wrong with me!??!

This depends. Would you say you were like this before Uni? Are you always worried when in relationships? Did you worry during your A-Levels?

What I am trying to get at, is this could be something that is a relatively recent thing if it's just started while at Uni.

I would suggest having a read of this:

*there would be a link here, but apparently new members cannot post them so Google 'Anxiety at university: you're not alone – Telegraph Blogs' and have a look at the blog linked from The Telegraph*

....and try and speak to whoever deals with counselling and the like at Student Services. As I think you would benefit from speaking to someone.

20-12-14, 06:55
I also agree too to go and see student counselling. Most students at university go through periods of intense anxiety, some to the extent that they need some help - there is nothing wrong with this.