View Full Version : Dizzy, ringing in ears, nausea, cough

20-12-14, 01:56
Hi there,
in the past 2 weeks i have had the worst headache/migraine. I think its tension headaches but i cant be too sure, anyways it all started on a sunday morning when i was getting ready to go grocery shopping. I got up and suddenly had to sit back down. I was dizzy and nauseous in a split second. The feeling went away after i laid down for about an hour. Soon after I was struck with a splitting headache. There was so much pressure and pain all over the place, i figured it was a migraine and took some advil it didnt help that much but enough to help me sleep. The following morning i felt a little bit better but by noon the headache was on full force again. This went on for 10 days. During this time i developed stomach pain, severe back pain, neck pain etc. I now get extreme ringing in both my ears, low humming in both my ears ,and vertigo and nausea. It doesnt go away and it comes on out of the blue.
Im worried this could a be a tumour or lyme disease or something serious. The doctors dont really send me for any of those tests but I think that they should.
I feel like i am going crazy w/ worry. I get a weird odd dizzy sensation on the right side of my head and my right eye feels tired ( if that makes sense ). I have had a dry cough worse at night that wont go away either. And my stomach/abdo have been really bothering. I am baffled by all this stuff that has been happening to me in the last two months alone.
I feel like im slowly getting sicker and sicker and i will never be back to normal again.

Anyone else feel this way?

24-12-14, 18:40
Hi sorry to hear you feel like this ....
I've had similar and taken me nearly a month to get back to normal
The going crazy bit sounds like depersonalisation ... But don't worry try and accept it.
If your concerned like I was about the head pressure etc you can ask be referred to a neurologist as they can send you for Mri etc

Hope get better
Merry Christmas