View Full Version : Anxiety or Allergic Reaction to Med

20-12-14, 15:01
I'm a suffer of Anxiety and Worrying. While visiting the Emergency Room one day for what I thought was the flu, the MD gave me some IV medication to which my heart rate went from 80 to 160 within seconds and my blood pressure increased also. He told me I was having a reaction. In January of this year I had taken a dose of Children's Tylenol (unable to take adult dose due to strong for me) and had the same reaction and ended up in the hospital. While I was at the hospital the MD gave me Reglan to help with some stomach issues that I had and I had another reaction just like before, increase heart rate and blood pressure. A week ago I was diagnosed with a UTI and was given a 3 day course of antibiotics. I am so scared to take them considering the reactions that I have had with the other medications. For the past 4 medications that I have taken I have had reaction to them. Needless to say I have taken these medications before. Now I wonder if it was a true reaction or just my anxiety. My anxiety is through the roof right now because I know if I don't take them it will get worse but the thought of having a reaction its just fueling my anxiety. Don't know what to do. I am scared of taking any medication because of these horrible reactions I have but I know I need the med. Any encouraging words?

20-12-14, 15:06
Hiya K@twoman and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: