View Full Version : Anxiety freaks me out

20-12-14, 16:21
I'm very new to this whole anxiety thing. It feels like its taking over my life. It all started when I thought I wasn't able to swallow my food. I felt like the food was stuck in my throat. I began feeling shaky and my body became hot. I just had a feeling I was going to pass out. I was rushed to the ER and from my symptoms the doctor felt I was suffering from a panic attack. He prescribed me antivan. I'm not into medication so I refuse to take it. I been back in forth to ER's and doctors appointments. Had my throat checked with a camera 2 days ago. Everything looks normal nothing is wrong. I ate soup yesterday after not eating for 7 days. Lost about 7 lbs already, really can't afford to lose anymore. I work full time and have younger children. My husband is out of town so I'm struggling through this alone at the moment. Family supprts me but none of them understand. Hoping this group can help me understand anxiety better and get a hold of my life again. I appreciate all advice, thank you.

20-12-14, 16:27
Hiya MiMe82 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

20-12-14, 19:10
Hi MiMe82 and :welcome:to the forum

20-12-14, 19:12
Hi MiMe :)
so sorry to hear that you're experiencing anxiety. I had the same experience where I felt like I couldn't swallow food and that set me off into high anxiety/panic. I got the whole shaking and hot flushes that you got. I now know that the feeling like I couldn't swallow is actually just a symptom of anxiety - if you take a look through the forum you can see a lot of us experience it. There's nothing wrong with your throat hun, it's just an irrational thought in your head that's making you think you can't swallow when you CAN :)
Have you considered some talking therapy. CBT is very good for anxiety and I'm currently following a self-help CBT course online that teaches us to get rid of these anxious thoughts and replace them with rational ones. Your doc should be able to refer you to therapy also.
Also I find that distracting myself (tv, music, books, going online, talking to friends etc) helps to get rid of the anxious thoughts and therefore the anxiety. It's especially helpful to distract yourself when you're eating so you won't worry about the swallowing.
Take it easy and eat things that you feel comfortable with and then gradually build yourself up to eating more and more things.
These feelings will pass and you will go back to normal :) Please feel free to message me if you ever wanna chat :)