View Full Version : Vision problems...brain tumour?

20-12-14, 17:50
Hi everyone, its been a while since I posted on here but I'm back in familiar territory now...
Was wondering whether anyone could offer me a little advice or help?
I really don't want my fears to ruin my Christmas! :scared15::meh:

For about a week and a half now I've been having a little trouble with my eyes, as in slow refocusing. E.g. when I'm looking at something up close then move my eyes to look at something further away in the distance, it takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust and accommodate to this 'new distance'.
I'm aware this is something that starts to affect people as they got older (presbyopia?) but as I'm only 18, I know that my response should be quick and automatic.
Went to get my eyes checked the other day and the health of them is perfect (except some astigmatism that is currently not being corrected through my contact lenses..). Because of this, I tried to convince myself that the refocusing problem I am experiencing is Computer Vision Syndrome - this would make sense because I have been spending A LOT of time on my laptop recently trying to complete assignments etc. Sometimes I would even be on it the whole day with breaks just to eat but I have greatly diminished my use over the past week, not even going on my laptop some days and the problem is still there...
I am further worried because I have been sleeping a lot recently, and this isn't normal for me :huh: Usually I sleep about 8.5 hrs but over the past couple of weeks there have been days where I can't physically get out of bed and sometimes sleep 10hrs+

I'm so worried that there is something deeper to this than just 'Computer Vision Syndrome' and of course my mind automatically springs to the worst thing and I start thinking my symptoms are tumour associated...please help!

20-12-14, 18:18
turn the brightness down on your screen to 50%. you are essentially staring at light bilb when you are looking at a computer screen. also looking at something that is at a fixed distance is always going to cause problems with your focus.

go outside and make a point of being around trees and looking at the sky and see how much it improves your mood.