View Full Version : What is this I'm feeling?

20-12-14, 19:25
My children's dad has just taken them all out to a xmas party, I dropped them off, felt fine until I walked into the house and just broke down. I have calmed down now, a bit, but I think I panicked not because they weren't with me but because I am never on my own, at least one of the children is ALWAYS with me. I realise now I rely on them too much at social events or even just going to the supermarket. My question to you all is does anyone panic in a way they just feel they have to leave or just want to get away, not just the situation but get away from yourself? I can't keep hiding behind my children, just saying that makes me feel so mad at myself. I haven't told my doctor I feel this way as I'm pretty sure he's getting fed up of me with all my 'symptoms'. I first realised this wasn't 'normal' when I was yelling at myself in the shower because I didn't want to go on holiday. Any advice much appreciated. I don't know where to go from here.

20-12-14, 20:34
Hi lv it's normal to feel seperation anxiety when you Arwnd ya kids all the time I'm the same I'm a single mum if 3 I panick when thy are here or not but with the help of my dr if managed it u are not alone just remember that iv found this site soo helpful and friendly , don't class what your experiencing as symptoms but as feelings that's way I told my dr because your not ill Hun that's what iv learned it's ya body dealing with life and it's just taking it's toll please feel free to chat n e time I will always reply xxx

21-12-14, 18:20
Thank you! I have been experiencing Health Anxiety for around 2 years now so those are the 'symptoms' I was talking about. I'm scared to admit to anyone these panicky feelings I've been having as I feel as though I don't really know what they are! I'm still not sure what a panic attack is although I've been having these feelings / episodes most of my adult life. I'm now 31 and feel as though that's it for me, this is how I'll be forever, either that or I'll die soon. I'm always, always obsessed with some symptom or another and recently the panic has been happening daily. I'm worried my dr will think I'm silly of mad or both! Should I bite the bullet and go to see the Dr? Will I ever feel any better if I dont? I really don't know what to do. I have 3 children too, live about 150 miles away from my family and sometimes I think loneliness, in the sense of not seeing an adult for much of the week, contributes to how I feel, can you relate?

21-12-14, 19:46
For me having people around me makes me feel "safe". Maybe it's similar for you? Just having someone in the house with you is a warm presence. Maybe speaking about it with a close family member might help? :)

21-12-14, 20:09
My mum n family live away from me n I panic alone with the children as I think il die or something and thyl be left alone my anxiety is health related aswell the slightest headache and that's it I worry but iv learnt to repeat to myself it's a headache take a pill n watch it go away it is easier said than done I have friends tht comfort me and others that tell me I'm being silly please don't listen to N e one saying you are silly it's a mind debilitating condition we have and yes go to drs and be honest about how it's makin you feel u need an outlet n for me it was telling all my worries out in open to my dr x good luck Hun again I'm still Arwnd if u need a chat xx

24-12-14, 06:31
I can definitely relate. Its just me and my kids and it seems when they are gone away from me even just a few hours my anxiety heightens. Thinking something may happen to me while no one is around. Today, I used that time to listen to some relaxation meditation and got through it a little better. It is also difficult for me to go out by myself. Makes me feel crazy because I've never been like this before in my life.