View Full Version : Throbbing in thigh, worried of dvt

20-12-14, 22:46
Hello all, I have a peculiar deep throbbing sensation in my right thigh. It started after getting up from sitting for about an hour. The past week I haven't been exercising as usual and have been fairly idle or seated. I'm terribly worried I may have developed dvt, and although my odds of getting one are very slim, cannot shake this dreadful feeling. I am 18, take fish oil, vitamin d, magnesium, zoloft, clonazepam, etc. as well as other supplements to try and slim my chance of dvt and am hoping someone can help me out of this intense I fear I have daily. I am aware that dvts typically occur in the calf and all of the other stuff about dvts but I am still frightful that I may have one. Help or tips would be greatly appreciated.

21-12-14, 02:15
I have also had a fear of DVT in the past. Only, I had just recently come off a plane, from a flight to Rome (2 1/2 hours). The pain did at one point get to the point where I was using a cane to walk, and my University sent me to the hospital to get it checked out. Not a DVT but no conclusive answer. All I was told was to take it easy.

It took ten weeks, 2 A & E visits, two walk-in centre visits and three doctors before five minutes after being in the physiotherapists' office, he told me that my right leg isn't quite aligned 100% with my ankle, and that I had irritated it doing two weeks' of nearly continous walking on holiday.

Point being, if you are worried, get it checked out. The throbbing is more than just likely from how your thigh muscles are positioned when sat in different ways. If you are worried, do what I do and move around at least once every hour to two hours, even if just for five or ten minutes. Dance, jog on the spot, walk up and down the stairs a few times. The likelihood of you getting a DVT is teeny-tiny, but the exercise won't hurt!

27-12-14, 22:57
I have noticed a very prominent vein on my left thigh so much so I'm paranoid that I have DVT. The leg is also painful and I'm struggling to warm my feet up at the moment. I hate having health anxiety. I am really panicking about this vein.