View Full Version : Please advise!

20-12-14, 23:49
I have been ill for like the past month, flu like symptoms swollen glands all over and behind the knee and down by my groin, i have been feeling run down lately and am just very worried. About 4 months ago i had a rapid hiv test done which was a 3rd generation INSTI test. My result was non reactive and i was over the moon. I had my test done about 3 years after my exposure and i just got concerned thinking if i had late stage hiv would the test be accurate and it is actually negative as back in 2003 there was a guy with late stage aids who had a false negative, can someone please advise as i know deep down it is just my anxiety. I would really like a good nights sleep tonight so please advise :) i also understand there is alot of flu like illnesses going around, many thanks

21-12-14, 02:18
If you are worried, is there a Doctor's or a walk-in clinic that you can go to? Given how you are in the UK, there is also the 111 number :)

21-12-14, 17:31
I think if result is negative then its negative .donot worry about it.after my own hiv test i had also have this worry that u discrived but my doctor said if test is negative then its negative .my test was e.l.i.s.a test for hiv that was negative.so donot worry andif you donot have pease of mind after it then there are further test method called westorn bolt is also abelable for it that u can ask for it.

21-12-14, 19:21
The tests for HIV have changed over the years and compared to 11 years ago they are going to be even more accurate, if they told you its negative then negative it is, why do you think you could be at risk, are you in a high risk group?