View Full Version : Feel like i cant breath

little kyle
21-12-14, 04:20
Hey Guys/Girls

I called an ambulance yesterday because i felt i could not breath...

It was like when i breathed in there was 30% of my lungs not filling properly .. So feels i cant fill my lungs properly....

This is the only symptom that bothers me any advice

21-12-14, 05:08
what happened when you called the ambulance?

In the meantime, shortness of breath is a common anxiety symptom; you should lay down and try to take deep calm breaths :)

21-12-14, 05:43
This is really common whether it was shortness of breath due to onset of panic or continually feeling like you can't take deep breaths which is more anxiety.

Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) which will help with tension ijn your muscles which is likely to be near the diaphragm if you feel you can't take deep breaths and Calming Technique (also known as 7:11 breathing, I think) which helps calm your breathing down.

little kyle
22-12-14, 02:47
Ambulance crew said me oxygen level was 97% which is fine

22-12-14, 23:24
Mate, when this happens you need to do controlled breathing.

Put your hand on your belly... And breath in with your belly, not your chest. You'll feel your belly expand. Breath in slowly, until you can't breath in anymore, about 5 seconds, pause for a second or two and then breath out slowly for five seconds again. Keep doing this.

The feeling you can't fill your lungs is usually when during anxiety you try and do all your breathing from the chest. It makes you feel like you can't expand your lungs fully, because you can't, without using your diaphragm too!

little kyle
23-12-14, 21:40
Out of every symptom the "I can't breath gets to me"

When symptoms of I can't breath hit me u automatically think of asthma. Asbestos.. Also I start to vigorously cough to get stuff up but there is nothing there....

When I get the I can't breath symptoms my hands sweat and I start to feel like a hot flush.......

I have always been fit running, boxing and never had breathing problems...

Once again wish I could kick panic attacks where the sun don't shine

24-12-14, 08:32
I can understand that, breathing has been one of my bigger symptoms. I have asthma so it made me focus on this because an asthma atttack could require medical intervention. However, years & years later, I've only ever had one event that wouldn't go when I was at a really anxious point and that was because I wasn't taking my asthma medication as I had improved prior to this point. Restarting the medication resolved it, as did using a reliever. For ages I would worry about taking the medication and far later I would still have the automatic negative thoughts about my breathing getting worse and what could happen.

I would really suggest trying the techniques recommended as they can help you change your breathing habits and when you know you can use a technique, you have a positive to try when you are panicking which could help you feel better or perhaps more in control?