View Full Version : Experience with anti-anxiety medication?

21-12-14, 14:47
So guys... I am considering visiting my GP to maybe request to try some medication to help with my anxiety... Nothing overly strong or dramatic, but I feel like I need some extra help to manage it.

Does anyone have any experience with taking medication for health anxiety? And if so, how was it/did you find it effective? I live in the UK by the way... I don't know if there are different medications here than elsewhere that are generally prescribed...

I just really want to get over this and am willing to try anything right now to stop my obsessive worrying as I can tell lately it's actually making me feel under the weather from the constant back of the mind stress....

22-12-14, 13:47

There are many meds for anxiety, and what is suitable for one person isn't for another. I've been on Sertraline for a while now, start on 100mg now on 50mg but I'd tried the others that are mentioned in other threads.

It's a slow one to kick in and you have to be patient with them and yes they have side-effects, what medication doesn't!

Remember whatever your GP prescribes for you it's not a quick fix, but they will help you along the way to recovery.

Take care

22-12-14, 14:54
Yeah that's what I feel I need... just something to get me on track... I know they aren't a miracle cure or anything but I need something to make it a little easier for me to get a grip on it all I feel...

Thanks for the info man, appreciate it :)