View Full Version : Top of head headache

21-12-14, 17:28
Took sertraline on Friday and decided not to take anymore due to the side effects until after Christmas. have really bad headache on top of my head. Almost like someone is pulling my hair. Could this be anxiety.

22-12-14, 04:53
I'm going to guess its a tension headache. I had one the other day that was very intense, but ibuprofen helped.

22-12-14, 07:21
You also have sinus on top of head so could be that.

22-12-14, 13:24
It's because you've stopped your sertraline suddenly, supposed to wean off them. I had it when mine ran out and I'd missed the chemist and couldn't get them till the Monday morning, nothing to worry about.

22-12-14, 13:38
Even though Friday was my first and only tablet????

22-12-14, 13:53
What milligram are they??

22-12-14, 14:38

22-12-14, 15:06
Stopping one 25mg shouldn't really cause that, yes it could well be your anxiety, saying 'oi why did you only take one pill ?'

23-12-14, 10:37
will start taking after Christmas, really did not like how I felt after taking just one and have kids so do not want to be spaced out over Christmas day. Trying to think positive and taking paracetmol for the constant tension headache. Am awaiting appointment for CBT and ENT for labrynthitis (which could also be causing the headaches apparently). It is a vicious circle, I worry about the labrynthitis which in turn makes the headaches worse. I was out over the weekend, had a drink and a giggle with friends and felt much better. Need to chill more I think. Will be trying over Christmas anyway.