View Full Version : Scratched eye

21-12-14, 19:10
Spent 2 hours at walk in yesterday with a sore eye that looked like I had gone 10 rounds with
Mohammed Alli, hurts like hell and is bloody and red,, no apparent reason for it but they checked and I have a scratch over half an inch long on the eyeball, if ever you are unlucky enough to have one don't rub your eye as this will cause an even bigger problem, put iced water on it and get to doc's/walking/eye clinic asap they will give you this great :huh: sticky ointment to put in your eye, also be careful how you do that as easy to poke your eye and make it worse, then to make it worse you can't see out of your eye and end up stubbing your toe, so instead of going to a great Christmas party thrown by friends I spent the whole day having a great time, could have been worse I suppose I could have got it Christmas eve couldn't it.

21-12-14, 19:38
sticky ointment is good but a course of antibiotics will sort you properly : )

21-12-14, 19:59
I sympathise.

I had the same thing some time ago. I stupidly poked myself in the eye with my finger, and I tore the cornea with my nail. I have never felt pain like it, and woke up the next day with a sealed eye full of gunge!

I was given chloramphenicol ointment and had a cotton pad taped over my eye. I was told that covering the afflicted eye is the best way to prevent infection or any kind of dirt, grit etc getting into it, as while it has the scratch/tear, it is susceptible to everything.

I hope your eye gets better soon! :hugs:

21-12-14, 22:08
Thanks for replies and sympathy, needed that :winks:, yep certainly hurts like hell, hopefully it will ease off soon, told not to cover it as fungal infections love warm dark areas so leave it open, I wish its like putting Vaseline in your eye, its antibiotic so should heal it.
Thanks again.

Catherine S
21-12-14, 23:32
In the days when I wore contact lenses I got a bad eye infection one time and that was bad enough, wouldn't wish the pain on anyone, but a scratched eye...ouchy! Hope it feels better soon.


always worried
22-12-14, 11:43
A general eye comment. If the eye streams uncontrollably and is very sensitive to light go immediately to an optician as iritis / uveitis becomes extremely painful resulting in temporary blindness.

I was mistreated by A and E and paid the price with months of pain.

28-12-14, 16:25
Well back just to let you know, after just over a week and two visits to the Ophthalmology department at our local hospital its just beginning to feel better, 2 lots of antibiotic drops and some other gunge at night and its on the mend, turns out it originally started due to my rheumatoid arthritis which made the eye feel like there was something in it then I did the normal thing and rubbed it hence the scratch across the bottom of my eye, so from now on I will be more careful how I respond to itchy or dry eyes.

Hope you all had a great Christmas day.