View Full Version : anxiety killing me

Loid Kaufmann
22-12-14, 00:17
is throbbing throat pain a symptom of anxiety?
because I can hardly even think because of it, sometimes I feel my heartbeat in one of my ears and sometimes it's ringing and I'm really scared it may be my neck artery.

That is a new symptom though and I have had other symptoms for the past weeks like severe stabbing diaphragm pain sometimes when I stretch or take a deep breath and dull lateral chest pain.

these symptoms feel so damn real that I can never be sure if it's anxiety or something terrible which is the most frustrating part.

I'm driving my parents these past weeks mad because I'm always up at night too scared to sleep (thinking im going to die in sleep) googling my symptoms which triggers a panic attack then waking them up begging them to take me to the hospital, i even called an ambulance a couple of times.

I have had ecg and a blood test but i am always thinking that there need to be more tests because if it's not my heart it must be the lungs and if not that the pancreas and etc.

deep down i know it must probably be the anxiety because i am 18 and some serious illness is very unlikely but it's the doubt that's absolutley killing me what if it is a illness and i just dont know if i can get through this

22-12-14, 00:32
I have the heartbeat in my ear thing. I never worry about it cos it's sort of my stomach that is where my worries lie. I think the ringing is a touch of tinnitus and the thudding feelin could have something similar to do with it too. Don't think there's anything to worry about :hugs:

22-12-14, 00:32
I've had all the things you've described, including waking my parents up when I was the same age as you asking them to take me to A&E... And guess what... over 10 years later I'm still alive lol.

You'll get through it man. You have to take your mind off your symptoms as I know from experience that anxiety can cause things that you simply couldn't believe you were imagining...

22-12-14, 00:42
Why I started with palpitations I would sit up in bed at night afraid to sleep because I was convinced I would die in the night. Ten years later and I am still here, and both the palpitations and the anxiety are much, much better.

Hearing your heartbeat in your head or ears is very common, especially when you put your head on your pillow at night.

It's anxiety. None of the symptoms you describe sound serious. They are just normal bodily sensations - could be gas or indigestion, a pulled muscle. If they aren't there all the time, they are unlikely to be significant.

There's a great book called Self Help for Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weeks which explains the physical symptoms of anxiety. It was a life saver for me. The Anxiety Network site has good ideas too.

When you feel anxious or panicky, let it wash over you, don't fight it. Carry on with what you are doing and it will subside. Everything will be fine.