View Full Version : Completely exhausted and cant eat

22-12-14, 00:34
These panic attacks with the adrenaline rushes leaves me completely exhausted. Wiped out. I don't have any energy to go throughout my day. Its tough with two kids and having to go about normal everyday things. I am also unable to eat anything solid. It leaves me severely nauseas. Anyone go through this? I've lost so much weight, not that I couldn't stand a few pounds. But this is unhealthy. I was working out 5 days a week before and now have no energy or too afraid to even go anywhere. II've never been through something like this before in my life.

Catherine S
22-12-14, 01:44
Hi there...when did the panics start for you?


22-12-14, 01:55
Anxiety and panic attacks zap you off your energy completely, i had a bad attack Thursday night and it completely wiped me out :( due to a relapse im suffering extreme anxiety at the min too and I can't eat or sleep either which in turn isn't helping my energy levels X X

Catherine S
22-12-14, 02:07
It's mostly down to the 'fight or flight' thing! When we're faced with fear albeit imaginary, we experience all the symptoms of an adrenalin rush...which we'd need if we were about to fight somebody or run away from them. Our nervous system prepares for both actions by diverting away from what it considers to be unnecessary functions like eating and concentrates instead on more important functions like energy to the muscles needed to fight or run away. Thing is, the nervous system cannot distinguish between a real threat or an imaginary one...that's down to you and your thoughts. So yes, living in a constant state of high anxiety can deplete your appetite and you lose weight. It happened to me in my 30's in the same way and nowadays i'm completely the opposite...too much flippin weight!


22-12-14, 02:22

make a soup! chop up some onions and get going with that soup!!!!

its more of a drink than a solid food if you want to go that way with it but you cant let your eating issue let your health down and spiral into something else so eat some soup!!!

: )

seriously-soup will do you much better than listening to me talking about i..

22-12-14, 08:31
I'm going threw the exact same thing.. You are not alone. I feel like i can hardly walk because I'm so exhausted and i have a 2 year old

22-12-14, 09:24
Same here!!! It's vicious circle!! I agree with courier dude soup is quite easy to get down!!

I find I'm really bad during the day and on an evening feel I little bit calmer so try to eat!!

Also I try to eat when doing something then I'm not concentrating on eating!! Just ate a banana this morning while putting the pots away!

Take care xxxx

22-12-14, 12:56
Courierdude is right soups are good. Little and often

24-12-14, 01:21
Thank you so much everyone for the replies. I'm sorry everyone has to go through all of this, but it is easier knowing that I'm not alone in all of this. My attacks started a few weeks ago, and my appetite has been done for since. And if I do try to eat, my stomach gets so sick and cramped, it makes me panic worse. Vicious cycle. I'll try the soup. I actually managed to tolerate a couple of saltines last night. Not eating can take so much energy away from you. I just can't wait to get a handle on this.

24-12-14, 15:17
Hi sorry to hear you're going through a tough spell atm with your anxiety but you're most definitely not alone, what have said word for word is exactly what I'm going through aswell my appetite is shot to hell due to constant panic attacks I use to weight lift 2 hours each day now I'm afraid to lift any in my present state, and with it being this time of year and all it's even more stressful, putting the game face on for the kids even though i feel like I'm falling apart inside.

Hope you feel better soon justbeme.

And same goes for everyone else.

Petesy :)

27-12-14, 19:56
Hi Petesy, I can relate some. I USD to work out 4-5 times a week. Not anymore. My blood pressures are off, so Idontbknow if its safe enough for me to continue. I'd go for about 1 1/2 hours. Things are do different with my kids. Unable to do all the activities with them. Game face on, like you said, but they know some things not right. I miss them and my life. I wish you luck and blessingsin this period, I believe it won't last forever. Its just so hard right now.