View Full Version : Terrified and tormented that I have melanoma

22-12-14, 03:53
I am 33, from Australia and 22w pregnant.
The other night I noticed a brown mole on my back (in a highly sun exposed area) had turned bright red, was throbbing and had a pus head!
I googled and found nodular melanomas - the worst and most deadly kind, that looked just like it!
I went to the Dr and he cut it out but results don't come back until Wednesday and I am in constant torment that I am dying from painful deadly cancer.
I cannot stop thinking about how bad it is and everything I have read on Google is absolutely terrible!
I am terrified of getting my results back and what they might find.
I have had heaps and heaps of sun exposure in my life, I feel doomed and distressed and I don't know what to do!
A photo attached, it looks so bad!

22-12-14, 07:28
Oh my god I have just read some terrible cases of how melanoma can worsen significantly simply because you are pregnant.
I don't know what to do.
It is only Monday and I have to wait until Wednesday to get any results.
Anyone else?
I am really really struggling.
This is terrible.

---------- Post added at 07:28 ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 ----------

I don't even know how long the mole has been changed for as I only just noticed it the other night, what if it has been like that for weeks and spreading cancer all over my body?

22-12-14, 09:42
The most important part has been taken care of - it is removed.

Statistically, most melanomas appear in new skin (so NOT an existing mole). It is only a small percentage that appear in a mole and the stats of biopsy vs diagnosis is small again.

So right there, you have 2 points in your favour.

It isn't good for bubba to stress. Try some breathing exercises and meditation. Talk to your partner about how you are feeling - sometimes venting helps the stress.

You had pus in the mole - it sounds like a small infection and irritation. I haven't heard of melanoma causing pus.

I had a mole on my back 18 months ago that was removed when one side became raised and discoloured - the results were that it had become cystic and irritated.

Try not to stress hon - and once this is all passed, go in once or twice per year for a skin check and see if you can put that in place to prevent anxiety.

22-12-14, 10:17
Thank you for replying. I feel another mole under my bottom that itches a lot has been dismissed by health professionals too. I feel like I'm doomed and I have read so many terrible terrible things about pregnancy accelerating malignant melanoma and I just feel like I must have it and I can't stand this pain. I'm so worried I can't think straight and Im scared to get the results too for obvious reasons. :-(

22-12-14, 20:08
I haven't slept all night and apparently the results will take another day. I can't cope. :-(

22-12-14, 21:12
I can 100% relate. When I was 3months post-pregnancy I became obsessed with a mole that had developed when I was carrying my son. I was convinced it was melanoma. CONVINCED. So much so that I cried constantly and didn't leave the house for a whole week because I couldn't bear to see anyone. My GP referred me for tests and I got the all clear ten days later. Of course, thanks to my health anxiety, I doubted the results, and went private for a second opinion which was exactly the same. I have since fixated on other things (have I got breast cancer? I think something is wrong with my liver etc....) but I totally understand how terrifying this feeling is and genuinely understand what you are feeling; yet it is still very easy for me to say 'try not to worry' and 'I am sure all will be fine'. The HA in us just makes logic go all out of the window, but in all sincerity, please try and not worry; you have had the mole removed and most of the time these things are nothing! Pus is not likely to be anything to do with melanoma anyway as the pp said, and it has more likely become infected somehow? I hope you get the answers you want very soon hun - big hugs xxxxx

24-12-14, 03:51
You should be getting results today - how did they go?

09-05-24, 11:04
Hey! How did your results go?