View Full Version : Pain Behind Knee?

22-12-14, 07:33
Hello everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone here has dealt with pain behind the knee that comes on fairly suddenly, and if so, what was your experience like?

I always have burning/stinging pains in my legs, which has been undiagnosed, that I believe to be maybe broken varicose veins (since my legs are covered in them.) Anyways, yesterday I noticed that when bending my knee, there is a pulling sortof sensation behind it that is painful (but not incredibly so, just noticeable). It seems to happen when I stretch my leg out.

I am a frantic worrier about blood clots and the like, and seem to have convinced myself that maybe this is one. I don't know what else could have caused it, other than slow simple walking? I am very overweight (but losing weight) and have been my whole life, so I don't know why regular everyday walking would suddenly cause this when it never has happened before. I just know of people who have died of blood clots with little warning, and I don't want to be another one of them. :/

If anyone can help put my mind at ease, that would be much appreciated. :) Thank you.

02-01-18, 17:36
I can't help ease your fears too much, but I've felt this since thanksgiving myself. I feared blood clots and went to to the doctor because I noticed a bruise that was more pink and purple than black and blue. My ARNP said she felt a ropey vein under there and said it was varicose veins. I'm 30 and have just one spidery vein just beginning behind my left leg. She said she was certain that was what it was and said "it's painful, but once you're finished having babies we can send you for sclerotherapy and you'll be a new woman."

I try to cling to that statement. I can't see my varicose veins yet, so for me I worry it's lymphnodes as well. I hope it's just plantar fasciitis (the muscle runs from the heel to the back of the knee) bc I was diagnosed with that when pregnant and it hasn't gone away.

When I mentioned that to the ARNP I was told to wear slippers with support or special socks to help instead of being barefoot around the house or wearing flat shoes with little support.

If it is varicose veins for the meantime she suggested support stockings and sitting next to a walk with legs up the wall. That does help, it's great for anxiety in general also. Honestly, I wear yoga pants daily so if I have to wear those underneath I will and see if that helps. I'm going for my yearly physical next week so we shall see what she says.