View Full Version : little black dots in poo

22-12-14, 10:10
Hi has anyone else had this .my anxiety is all over the place atm and my fear is cancer .what could it be .am still new to all this .so please if u can help .my doctor is just a waste of time she say ppl my age its very unlikely .

22-12-14, 12:33
Hi Nicola

I have had this before, sorry to sound gross but it could be sommat you have eaten recently - I have had similar from seeded bread so perhaps it could be that?

If it doesn't go away or you are really worried then see your dr to help put your mind at rest at least, but I hope it helps you knowing I have had this a few times and I'm not worrying about it :)

take care xx

22-12-14, 13:51

I have had all sorts black bits, red spots etc.

When I was going through my CC anxiety I used to notice this more because I used to check everytime.

I got diagnosed with IBS because of loose stool.

It could be vegetables like spinach or something you have eaten.

I don't check now and my anxiety is a little better.

I now focus on my boobs :(

22-12-14, 14:16
I get this a lot, usually it's spinach or something broken down but not all the way.

22-12-14, 14:27
Thank u to u both for your reply.am checkin everything atm from my wee to my poo and my eyes everywhere on my body am so scared of cancers .am on edge all time and every ache i get i think its cancer .my appetite went complet now its comin bk but i cant eat as much as i did befor all this .am waitin to have cbt but feel so lost and that am not goin to be here to see my beautiful 3 children grow up and think my hubby will move on and meet someone else .sorry to go on bit cant help how i feel and my fear is cancer all time .over that last month iv had every cancer goin .thanks again .

22-12-14, 14:31
I've been in that place a lot, Nicolag84. I went through a few years where I was doing the same thing ... checking pee, poo, body for lumps, moles, etc non-stop. Once I knew something was ok I found something else. I never could relax. I had to stop the cycle of searching for things, and that helped me - but it was hard!!! I still check once in a while and have to catch myself. I limit myself to only checking for breast lumps once/month because that is what is recommended by doctors. I try to act like a "normal/non-HA" person and only check things that people without HA would notice. If i find myself getting too carried away, I try to pull myself away from it and distract. If something is really bad, I go to the doctor.

Notice what your triggers are for checking for things. I know I am more likely to check when I am sad, bored, or anxious about something else. Pay attention to when you are more likely to check yourself so you can catch yourself ahead of time.

It's hard and I still struggle sometimes.

22-12-14, 15:23
Iv done the boobs checking cos iv had to lumps at different times .thank u for talkin to me like i said its all new this but iv had anxiety over other ppl like my kids diein or my hubby cheating or leaving me .my step dad die 6 years ago was not the cancer that killed him .pleas will u read my other post the one that say help if u got time that is thanks .

22-12-14, 15:44
Hi Nicola

I understand what you are going though and you aren't alone. I am checking all the time and feel sick to the stomach when I 'discover a new worry' last week it was skin cancer and this week its bladder cancer. Even though the dr told me my mole is harmless I am still not convinced.

I am trying to be positive and not Google or ask my partner/friends/family for reassurance as I know this feeds the anxiety :doh: It is just so bloody tough though once the idea is in your head isn't it?

Do you have any distraction techniques that work well for you? I am finding distracting myself really tough at the moment!

Hope things improve xx

22-12-14, 15:48
Honestly I am the worst when I am home alone. If I can make myself be around other people, be at work, or go out with my husband it is better. That's hard though because sometimes I want to isolate too.

22-12-14, 15:55
Honestly I am the worst when I am home alone. If I can make myself be around other people, be at work, or go out with my husband it is better. That's hard though because sometimes I want to isolate too.

I can relate to this. I am terrible when I am on my own. My boyfriend who I live with will be out at work and I will be googling his health things and convincing myself he is dying then he comes home and I am in a state. I feel terrible projecting it onto him.

He had nightsweats last night (due to underactive thyroid which he is having treatment for) but now I am convinced something terrible is wrong with him.

I am much better around people too. When I am home on my own my mind starts going :(

22-12-14, 16:23
Thank you so much to u all .it helps knowing that others r goin through this .sorry it makes me feel better that u all r going through it but i feel like every little ache is cancer am obsessed with it. my doctor wont test me and put everything down to anxiety or my weight cos am over weight .really am lost .

---------- Post added at 16:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:12 ----------

Thank u its helps knowing that am not lone cos i feel like it tbh.sorry snow flake iv bin the same with my hubby for years and never cared about myself .but now i am .

22-12-14, 16:25
Thank you so much to u all .it helps knowing that others r goin through this .sorry it makes me feel better that u all r going through it but i feel like every little ache is cancer am obsessed with it. my doctor wont test me and put everything down to anxiety or my weight cos am over weight .really am lost .

Big hugs to you. I really do understand. I have found some Drs I have seen have been really understanding, but others have made me feel stupid and ashamed I am sorry to say. I have cancer fears following my Mom going through breast cancer a few years ago and since then I have been paranoid everyone else including me will get it.

I started on some medication last week and I am hoping it will help me, I am having CBT too and it does help. It is just really tough cause a lot of people don't seem to understand in my experience.


22-12-14, 16:35
Thank you means alot merry Christmas to u all xxxx

22-12-14, 16:46
Try and enjoy xmas if you can hun. I know it is awful having all these thoughts going on. I am sat here in my living room, tree up and all the prezzies under it and I know I need to be brave over the next week for all my family.

I pity my poor boyfriend, he has come through debilitating anxiety himself over the last year and now he has all my stuff to deal with. He is patient with me god bless him but I really do need to stop and think of what I learn in my CBT sessions before I start projecting all my worries onto him.

What really comforts me is knowing we're not alone, there are loads of us going through this and it is awful we feel so lost, but coming here and talking about it with like minded people really does help. I signed up here 3 weeks ago and it has helped me through a really bad time and I would go as far as saying its prevented my having a breakdown.

Stay strong, but remember it is ok to take yourself off and have a good cry too! If you ever need someone to talk with I am happy for you to talk to me.

Look after yourself xx

22-12-14, 17:24
Cryin now after your message .to feel like am not alone no more thank u so much am if u ever want a chat am here no matter when am here .i no wat your sayin over xmas just wish it was over with now .i cant wait to start cbt had it years ago with my trust issue and it worked brilliantly but keep thinkin wat if it dont work this time or if i have cancer and they r missing it cos iv freaked out .xx

22-12-14, 17:41
Cryin now after your message .to feel like am not alone no more thank u so much am if u ever want a chat am here no matter when am here .i no wat your sayin over xmas just wish it was over with now .i cant wait to start cbt had it years ago with my trust issue and it worked brilliantly but keep thinkin wat if it dont work this time or if i have cancer and they r missing it cos iv freaked out .xx

Bless you, sometimes I good cry can really help us let go a bit and hopefully you will feel a bit better letting it out a little.

It has really helped me coming on here and talking to people, I try to come on here now instead of Googling things or checking my body.

CBT is fantastic. I had it when I was a teenager and it helped me through depressing and eating disorders. I am having it now for health anxiety and it really helps me to rationalise things and put it all into perspective.

I know what you mean about cancer and worrying it has been missed in some way. I have several skin things, a dry mole on the back of my neck (checked by a dr last week - fine) and a scaly flaky patch/lump on my head that I have had for about 10 years (last checked about 3 years ago, fine - no need to worry) but I still worry about things 'turning cancerous'.

Even tonight I sat down rubbing at my moles/scaly patches worrying they are cancer. I have back problems and I worry I have skin cancer that has spread to my spine and the drs have missed it. I know this is the anxiety though causing this fear.

Sometimes checking and over thinking things can feed our anxiety and at the moment the CBT is helping me break the cycle a little.

I hope it works for you hun and remember I'm here too if you ever need someone to talk to, especially over xmas I know it can be a strain. God bless x

22-12-14, 17:49
Atm i think iv got throat cancer or stomach cancer. i hate feelin like this .iv bin though the mole thing to but that was last year but did not think about it now i over think things .thank u soo much and bk at u here if u need a chat .xxx

22-12-14, 18:54
Oh hun im exactly the same,having such bowl issues,it's been yellow dirrohea then not going at all.Then going a tiny bit and black specks through it,I'm convincing myself I have a parasite and the eggs are the black bits soooo frightened x

22-12-14, 21:19
Atm i think iv got throat cancer or stomach cancer. i hate feelin like this .iv bin though the mole thing to but that was last year but did not think about it now i over think things .thank u soo much and bk at u here if u need a chat .xxx

I over think things too and I find I go from one worry to another, then back to the first worry if that makes sense? I thought I had throat cancer earlier in the year, I saw my Dr about it and he said the sensation I had of feeling a 'lump' or a 'scratch' in my throat was actually a phenomenon called 'globus' which is caused by anxiety. It is amazing what worry and stress can do to our bodies.

Sometimes the constant worry and Googling/researching, going over and over our thoughts is just feeding our anxieties. It's hard, but we need to try and find a way to break the cycle and get our lives back.

You will get there hun, we all will. There will be good days and bad days but it is so good knowing there is so much support here on this forum.

Look after yourself xx

23-12-14, 08:53
I over think things too and I find I go from one worry to another, then back to the first worry if that makes sense? I thought I had throat cancer earlier in the year, I saw my Dr about it and he said the sensation I had of feeling a 'lump' or a 'scratch' in my throat was actually a phenomenon called 'globus' which is caused by anxiety. It is amazing what worry and stress can do to our bodies.

Sometimes the constant worry and Googling/researching, going over and over our thoughts is just feeding our anxieties. It's hard, but we need to try and find a way to break the cycle and get our lives back.

You will get there hun, we all will. There will be good days and bad days but it is so good knowing there is so much support here on this forum.

Look after yourself xx

Its so hard not to believe that its nothin that will kill me .like today my chest is aching and top of my belly .but iv got my smear soon and am getting nervous over that iv never bin nervous over my smear but i am this time .thank u for your reply means alot xxxx

23-12-14, 09:15
Its so hard not to believe that its nothin that will kill me .like today my chest is aching and top of my belly .but iv got my smear soon and am getting nervous over that iv never bin nervous over my smear but i am this time .thank u for your reply means alot xxxx

I am nervous over my smear too, due one in January. The last one I had 3 years ago was before my health anxiety and I wasn't worried at all but this time I'm dreading it :(

24-12-14, 07:43
Thats how iv bin over this smear not bother about the others at all and now iv got nabothian cyst and white cells in my wee with no infection.

24-12-14, 08:54
Sorry you are worrying so much hun :( I know how horrible you are feeling right now and that there is little that anyone can say that will comfort you or put you at ease, but if it does help I was totally convinced I had skin cancer last week and it turned out to be ok.

I know this will be on your mind all day, but are you busy today getting things ready for Christmas tomorrow? I am busy today getting things ready and it is helping take my mind of my current fear (bladder/kidney/vaginal cancer - I have cystitis and perhaps thrush too but it hurts baaaaaaad today even though it was improving yesterday!)

My plan for today is to keep as busy as possible. Recognise my fears/thoughts but try and rationalise them and move on from it if I can. I know how tough it is though hun.

Hope you begin to worry less soon and try and enjoy Christmas xxx

24-12-14, 09:57
Thanks you to but i cant stop thinkin that's the problem .i no its goin to be bad and it be to late to fix it thats all i can see .its awful i keep seein my funeral .xx

24-12-14, 11:41
Thanks you to but i cant stop thinkin that's the problem .i no its goin to be bad and it be to late to fix it thats all i can see .its awful i keep seein my funeral .xx

I can relate to seeing your own funeral, I get that too :( and funerals of my family.

What I am trying to do now when I get these thoughts to not totally ignore them (cause for me that just makes it worse and I think about it more) but to almost 'acknowledge' the thought then think of something else. I've been learning how to do this at my CBT sessions and it is hard at first but you do get the hang of it.

Really hope you find some peace and comfort soon hun x