View Full Version : Cystitis - everthing is a trigger! :(

22-12-14, 12:31
Everything is a trigger!

So this morning I woke up with what the sensible part of my brain knows to be simple cystitis. I’ve had a tonne of cranberry juice and some of those sachet things and it is slowly easing off (although its so bad its burning even when I don’t pee! Sorry of that is TMI)

Anyway like a fool I Googled and now I am convinced I have bladder cancer L I feel sick too but I don’t know if thats due to the 2 litres of cranberry juice I have downed...!!

Can anyone please help me rationalise this as I am sat at my desk at work right now, sick with worry. Last week it was a mole that I thought was cancer and now its this. I am just so tired of it all. Its Christmas in a few days.

Just after a bit of reassurance really. If my symptoms are still bad in the morning I will see a Dr, but for now I am just after someone to tell me I am worrying! Can stress cause cystitis?

I am so sick of feeling this way L its literally one worry after another.

22-12-14, 12:48
You're feeding your anxiety, You know it's easing off, keep the fluid intake up.

Another tip is when you shower/bathe don't use soap or any other products down below, that only irritates down there even more. I was told many years ago 'that it's like your eyes, self cleaning, and you wouldn't put soap or shower gels in your eye would you?'.

Good luck with 'it' and take care

22-12-14, 15:27
I used to get cystitis ALL the time. Every month pretty much I was on antibiotics for it. I discovered a technique called bottle washing. It's slightly tmi but it's a way of improving your personal hygiene, I haven't had cystitis in about six years now. Google it, it really works! There is also a product I used to use called D Manose. It's much better than cranberry juice which is too sweet and acidic.

22-12-14, 15:41
Thanks for the replies folks :)

Sorry if this is TMI but I had been using soap/bodywash 'down there' I know I shouldn't and I will stop now, but I am obsessive over cleanliness and so paranoid about smelling... even though I know its a self cleaning organ and our bits are meant to have a natural smell lol!

I felt really sick and shivery at work, a lot of it was probably HA but I went to the local walk-in centre, the tested my urine and said there was a small amount of white blood cells in there and it was likely I had watered it down a lot after drinking 2lt of cranberry juice :wacko: but they would treat it anyway and got some antibiotics.

Of course now though I am worried about 'other causes of white blood cells in urine' but I am NOT GOING TO GOOGLE IT :lac:!!!

Back home now and going to try and relax. Just so bloody fed up, sorry if this sounds self-pitying but I would just like to be free from this. I am having a horrible time on my medication and can't even have a drink over Christmas because of the diazepam and now cause of this infection.

My resolution for 2015 is to commit to trying as hard as I possibly can to get over this.

Thanks again xx

22-12-14, 18:30
I to have terrible health anxiety, I had ursine infections for many years, so urologist, things like tomatoes, acid things vinegar try cut them out says me :roflmao: a cranberry capsule a day helped

22-12-14, 21:22
I to have terrible health anxiety, I had ursine infections for many years, so urologist, things like tomatoes, acid things vinegar try cut them out says me :roflmao: a cranberry capsule a day helped

Thanks Gwen :) going to start taking better care 'down there' by not using soaps/shower gels and drinking plenty of water and cranberry juice to flush it all out. I haven't had one in about a year so they aren't a regular thing for me (thank god, feels like I am weeing razor blades!) - sorry if that's TMI but its true :blush:

Totally relaxed over the fear of it being bladder cancer now. Its just a UTI and I will get over it :D


23-12-14, 10:18
Not really got any advice but thought I would comment. I had what I think is cystitis the other day and treated it with the sachets. Went away. Is now back again. Probably from sex tmi. But I also felt a bit dodgy too. Maybe I should phone the dr and get an app hmmmm... I hope you're feeling a bit better now. It's not something I've had for many years but it hurts like hell and yes nine also hurt when I wasn't weeing as well.
Interested to hear about this 'bottle washing'

23-12-14, 13:28
Not really got any advice but thought I would comment. I had what I think is cystitis the other day and treated it with the sachets. Went away. Is now back again. Probably from sex tmi. But I also felt a bit dodgy too. Maybe I should phone the dr and get an app hmmmm... I hope you're feeling a bit better now. It's not something I've had for many years but it hurts like hell and yes nine also hurt when I wasn't weeing as well.
Interested to hear about this 'bottle washing'

Thanks for your advice :) I started on some antibiotics yesterday and feel much better already although they have sent my pee BRIGHT yellow lol (sorry TMI :blush:)

I rarely get wee infections to be honest, this is the first I had in about a year (hence the anxiety and worry over what it was) I am drinking lots of water and it is feeling a lot better today.

Sex can cause it too I have heard and apparently you are not meant to have sex whilst you have an infection (to be fair though its probably the last thing on our minds when we have that burning pain lol!)

Hope yours clears up soon and if not definitely go to the dr just to check you don't need antibiotics. I am so glad I got seen yesterday otherwise Id have been feeling rough all over xmas.

Take care xx

23-12-14, 13:48
I used to get cystitis ALL the time. Every month pretty much I was on antibiotics for it. I discovered a technique called bottle washing. It's slightly tmi but it's a way of improving your personal hygiene, I haven't had cystitis in about six years now. Google it, it really works! There is also a product I used to use called D Manose. It's much better than cranberry juice which is too sweet and acidic.

Drink 3 liter water daily and also drink pomegranate juice.

24-12-14, 09:05
So yesterday I thought I was getting over this...

But last night it started burning again really bad and its burning even when I am not having a wee (sorry) I feel a bit sore and itchy below too so now I am worried I have thrush too. Have used to cream and going to talk to a pharmacist later to see if I need a pessary (yuck I hate those things!)

I started with my symptoms on Sunday night and started antibiotics on Monday. Started to feel a bit better yesterday but now its bad again and the thrush symptoms have started. No way of seeing a Dr today either as its xmas eve :(

Of course though, the little voice in my head that panics is telling me to Google for vaginal/bladder/kidney cancer symptoms but I WILL NOT to this! :lac: I saw a nurse who tested my urine a few days ago and said its an infection so I will put my faith in her.

I just can't get the ideas out my head though.... imagining I have kidney pain at the moment even though its probably just muscular pain. I am terrified I have some sort of awful disease or cancer or something and I know I am being irrational but I can't get the thoughts to stop!!!

My plan today is to carry on as normal preparing for Christmas day, keep taking the antibiotics and drinking loads of water and see a pharmacist later on to ask about the thrust thing. I am just so worried though :(


24-12-14, 20:19
I also used to get thrush every time I used antibiotics. You can use canestan cream and pessaries available OTC, until you can get them on boxing day try applying natural yoghurt if you have some, sounds gross but really soothing.

24-12-14, 22:38
What a day... went to talk to the pharmacist who said he thought I might need different antibiotics and to speak with a GP, luckily (must have been a miracle on Christmas Eve!!) I managed to see a GP who said I have a urinary tract infection as well as thrush (nice) got stronger antibiotics now and a pessary and cream. Feeling pretty miserable to be honest, peeing loads and that is making the thrush worse and can't even drown my sorrows as I can't drink any alcohol.

Panicked a bit earlier as my sides were aching and I was thinking I was going to end up in hospital over Christmas with a horrible kidney infection, but I rang 111 and they really helped set my mind at rest. I explained the problem but also that I have health anxiety and they were really helpful.

Feel sore and miserable and not very festive at all but I am sure I will wake up feeling a bit brighter :) antibiotics can take up to 3 days to take effect though.
