View Full Version : Leukemia Worries

22-12-14, 14:08
So ever since my Dr asked for blood tests to check my thyroid and hormonal status back in April, I've been convincing myself I've got Leukemia and as a result I haven't been for the blood tests.

Now over the last 3 months I've had 3 colds and several mouth ulcers. All the ulcers heal within a few days but I've probably had about four or five over the course of a few months whereas sometimes I can go months and months with no ulcers.

I am so terrified this is all pointint to leukemia. The weak immune system etc.

I'm starting a 12 week course of intensive CBT today which I'm really helping me to try and rationalise this and also make me just go and have the damn blood test as I'm convinced the worry and stress I'm putting myself through is probably partly contributing to the mouth ulcers and colds.

I have also started working in an infant school and been surrounded constantly by people with colds/coughs/stomach bugs and on top of that my son has had about 4 colds at the same times so I know I'm not alone but I keeping thinking that leukemia is causing these colds and ulcers.

Does anyone else go through phases of one cold after another? They don't lead to secondary infections apart from the odd ear infection but I've already been referred to ENT as the Dr thinks I may need grommets due to my ears not draining properly.

Just wondered if anyone else has had phases of this?

22-12-14, 15:23

Our kid went to kindergarden about half year ago and we all have been having different diseases since then non stop. Those little buggers sure are full of germs :)

And as for mouth ulcers I get them randomly as well. I can have multiple ulcers in small time and then they disappear for months. Have you changed your toothpaste recently? That's one thing that can cause them.

As for leukemia, I'm not a doctor but can't see anything alarming. I always thought leukemia presents itself with hyper sensitive bruising.

22-12-14, 15:50
Last winter I had 4-5 colds/viruses in a few months. I was working in a school. I also think I catch things more when I am at the gym - all those germs!

22-12-14, 21:06
Thanks for the replies, had my first CBT session today and I actually felt like a huge weight had been lifted when I came out and my cold seems to have got much much better since, very strange! I really do want to get a grip on this HA so making lots of new years resolutions in the next week or so to try and help me manage it more efffectively.

Having said that it's nice to get replies knowing others have experienced similar!

22-12-14, 21:40
Why would you not go for the tests??

I do not for one minute believe that you have it, but if you truly are convinced that you have Leukemia, you would want to know sooner rather than later to get treated, wouldn't you??

I know you are anxious and frightened but sitting doing nothing would be irrational if you really thought in your heart of hearts that this was something so serious. I think that you probably recognise that this is anxiety talking.

Mouth ulcers and colds both occur from being generally run down and exposed to viral bugs in the case of a cold.

I worked in a nursery for 5 years in my 20's. I picked up more bugs than I ever did in the 10 years that I was an NHS nurse. Gastroenteritis, chest infections, coughs, colds, you name it, I got it. Nurseries and a bunch of kids in one place is germ heaven, unfortunately, and they bring it home with them.

This is also viral season, so these things are everywhere. I am confident that you are not seriously ill, but the only way that your mind would be put at rest is if you pluck up the courage and just go for the tests. They will include a full blood count which will tell all, but I personally think your fears are unfounded.x

22-12-14, 23:54
Remember mouth ulcers are very common when you are run down too :)

23-12-14, 09:35
Thank you guys, I work up this morning feel a bit rubbish, still got the rumblings of a cold but I'm going to clean my house from top to bottom and wrap presents with Christmas songs on, that will hopefully take my mind off of it!