View Full Version : Hi guys, first post, REALLY struggling with health anxiety!

22-12-14, 16:46
Hey long term lurker but first time poster. The support here seems great and I feel like this will really benefit me.

I have struggled with anxiety for the entirety of my adult life (since 18 I am not 24) but this past 3 weeks have been an absolute nightmare and the worst period of my life.

I was on roaccutane for 4 months when suddenly without warning I had a huge panic attack at work which I have never really had (always got palpitations but never a full blown panic attack where I was 100% convinced I was dying and couldn't walk) suddenly my neck went stiff and I felt like I was losing control of my body followed with a racing heart. Since that day I have stopped roaccutane and have withdrew from caffeine and have gradually improved (the first week after the panic attack was hell I was in a constant state of panic for a week). Since the panic attack at work I had panic attacks every hour in the first week (24/7 panic attack absolutely debilitating), wouldn't be on my own because I was in constant fear that I would drop dead at any minute and would need someone to call the ambulance or something, haven't left the house since, got extensions on my university assignments, constantly feeling like I have a brain tumour/brain blood clot/schizophrenia/psychosis etc etc... (still do!)

I have been to the doctors 3 times, dermatologist, dentist (for my jaw pain) and everybody reassures me that I am fine but I still can't seem to convince myself and felt that I needed a MRI scan (Doc said it isn't necessary and this is an anxiety thing) I have been referred to CBT and am on the waiting list for this and also been prescribed propranolol today (not taken yet). My anxiety has been so profound that I am currently in a state of depersonalisation and just feel totally detached from reality which is awful.

I have improved in the past week (yesterday was my best day and I was myself again even managed to go to the gym) but today has been a little setback. I am sat here now with awful jaw/neck pain from grinding teeth and jaw to excess, headache, stiff hands/arms/legs, dizzy and over thinking about everything (I just left the doctors and I, as usual, feel disillusioned by the doctor).

So yeah I stopped the roaccutane (I identify that as the trigger tbh!) and I am on the waiting list for CBT. I think I am on the verge of a panic attack today but I keep telling myself that I am not dying and so far have managed to not have an attack. I am finding it really hard to concentrate on my studies as I sit here in an awful state of depersonalisation but I am optimistic and hopeful that I will make a good recovery success story of this.

I just want to talk to like-minded people who will understand what I am going through because I am frustrating and disillusioned with doctors. I have always had anxiety/social anxiety but never to this extent where I am sat in physical pain and worry.

Thanks for reading guys.

22-12-14, 16:52
Hiya GfunkAnxiety and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

22-12-14, 17:09
Thank you! I am looking at them now.

22-12-14, 17:23
hi guy-did reply you a long winded message and my puter crashed so..

i am not a drug fan-used lots for fun and taken some for panic attacks and im not one of those people who even needs medicating anymore.

i would however recommend that you try the propranalol for a while and give yourself a break from the ravages of panic attacks-and the waiting for them inbetween.

propranalol are a seriously old well tested/used drug and with little if any side effects.

i would be cautious only of the dosage you have been offered as i have had bad experience with the modified release types and wouldnt recommend them to anyone really!

lots of us have been through the same or similar experiences as you and i find it therapy at least to be able to talk to other people about their own issues or aspects of this anxiety based illness.

youre in the right place anyway : )