View Full Version : Please help

08-01-07, 03:41
I have alot of dreams that my daughter (she is two) keeps running off on me onto the road and I keep yelling STOP to her but she keeps on running down the road and I get to her just before she gets hit by a car.

Sunday morning I woke in a fright as I was dreaming the same again and this time my husband and I got a call saying that she got hit by a car.

My anxiety has taken off again as I am really worried about these dreams.

Please let me know your thoughts I am really worrying.


08-01-07, 04:29
just another thing to add is that my mother has had a dream too about my daughter running onto the road and nearly getting hit by cars.

I just can't stopt thinking about it.

08-01-07, 04:41
hi there. I'd say a couple of things

firstly as a parent we all fear for our childrens safety, that's natural. Waking up with dreams like you have isn't, however.

Secondly, I'd suggest therefore that your unconscious mind has a particular 'issue' that it has chosen to link to the possible death of your child and keeps replaying this fear to you. Our u/c mind is very clever and will always use the path of least resistance and has latched onto your (natural) fears.

The actual cause could be something from back in your own childhood (although it doesn't have to be) and I'd suggest that using your conscious waking mind you will be the last to find out what it is/was.

However, with a competent and qualified therapist you might also uncover why this repeat is occuring.

Thirdly, I've recently posted a topic on Omega 3 and how it is a necessary ingredient to our lives.

Being a parent is tiring - so you are quite probably deficient in the chemicals your body needs to assist in brain functioning. This is one of them.

Read the link

Omega 3 - Who else benefits ( I Do ) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=16378)

Be pleased to speak further



08-01-07, 05:09
Thankyou for your reply Brian.

Does this mean that my dreams are only dreams and that they will not become real?

It was really starting to freak me out that my mum dreamt the same.

I will talk to my therapist about the dreams and see what he thinks and I will get some Omega 3 to take also.


08-01-07, 05:19
Put it this way: test your dreams you dream the lottery numbers for the uk for this week and tell me them. If they win I promise to give you a cut from my hideaway in jamaica!

Seriously, dreams are freaky. they are a mixture of wish fulfillment and fear

Also, as parents we are stuck with sometimes just wanting to be free of our kids, but at the same time hating ourselves for thinking it - so up pops a dream.

Try some omega3 first. Perhaps that will settle you before you drop any cash in the hands of a therapist. Hoewever, if they continue then rethink the plan.

Good luck


09-01-07, 01:30
Hi debstar!
I wanted to share with you my story which is very similar to yours. I cant tell you if these dreams mea anything or not as I have never found out myself, but my dreams didn't come true.
So my story is that I have had 3 reoccuring dreams about being pregnant ( I have to tell you here that this is something I am not yet ready for so ultimately it scares me) and the very same night both my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law had the same dreams about me. So we all 3 had the same dream all three times...isn't that something?! The end of my story is that I wasn't pregnant, and we never will know why we dreamt about it.
