View Full Version : jolt like gasp of air when falling asleep

22-12-14, 19:11
sometimes when i dose of on the sofa i get these like zaps where i wake and cant breath its almost like a full body twitch with a missed breath. has anyone else experienced this?

22-12-14, 19:14
Yes. I think it is the start of the sleep cycle... sometimes I jump right up. I think your body just misses the part where it keeps you asleep.

22-12-14, 19:19
I had this... I think there's a few of t posts about this

It was when my anxiety was at one I it's highest peaks and i didn't realise, I used to put off going to sleep when I had this, it happened a few times, even when I was awake and just sitting there

22-12-14, 23:19
Yep it's completely and totally normal. :) Take care.

23-12-14, 01:31
Nearly every night for the last 10 years lol